Search result for: "Quad"

India’s Rising Power Force

India celebrated its 75th year as a sovereign democratic republic on January 26
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Persaingan Blok Dan Masa Depan PBB

Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (United Nations General Assembly atau UNGA) ke-79 yang baru sahaja selesai tidak memberikan impak yang signifikan terhadap senario konflik global
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The Bloc Divide And The Future Of The UN

The recently concluded 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) provided little to no credible impact on the growing dire global conflict scenarios
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Perluasan Pengaruh Dan Impak Pakatan Quad

Sidang Kemuncak Quad yang dihoskan oleh Presiden Biden pada 21 September di Delaware kekal sebagai tonggak utama dan simbol daya tahan dan kekuatan Quad
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The Quad’s New Staying Power

The Quad Summit hosted by outgoing President Biden in Delaware on September 21 remains a cornerstone and symbol of the Quad’s resilience and strength
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Kamala & Gaza: All Words And No Deeds Make A Divided Party

This week’s protests, which saw thousands of antiwar demonstrators take to the streets (lined with scores of Chicago police) in and around the United Center, pose a critical question to the Harris/Waltz ticket
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Moscow's New Arctic And Indo-Pacific Push

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Malaysia on 27 July marks an extension of the larger objective and plans for the region for Moscow.
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NATO Beralih Fokus Kepada Beijing Dan Indo-Pasifik

Sambutan ulang tahun ke-75 Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara (NATO) pada awal bulan Julai telah mencetuskan perdebatan baharu mengenai kepentingan dan skop masa depan NATO
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What An Even Stronger Modi Might Mean For US-India Relations

WASHINGTON, US: To many observers, the leadership of President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has marked an emerging shift in the Indo-American relationship, pointing towards a new era of mutual alignment.
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Pakatan Strategik Baharu the SQUAD Ubah Rubrik Kuasa Serantau

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Setiausaha Pertahanan AS Lloyd Austin bertemu pada hari Khamis lalu dengan rakan sejawatannya dari Australia, Jepun dan Filipina di Hawaii untuk mengeratkan hubungan dan meningkatkan kerjasama dan operasi ketenteraan, yang dinamakan sebagai pakatan baharu yang dikenali sebagai "The Squad."
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US-led Quadrilateral Defense Talks Deemed To Target SCS, Exacerbating Regional Risks

BEIJING, China: As the defense chiefs of the US, Australia, Japan and the Philippines are set to meet again in early May in a meeting that is believed to focus on South China Sea issues, Chinese analysts warned on Sunday the quadrilateral clique is unsustainable and bound to show cracks and divisions as their moves will ultimately lead to a deterioration of the Philippines' strategic security environment.
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