Search result for: "Caribbean"

Haiti’s Health System Pushed To Breaking Point: UNICEF

NEW YORK, US: Haiti’s health system is now “on the verge of collapse” UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Representative in Haiti Bruno Maes warned on Wednesday, amidst an alarming decrease in the number of hospitals still functioning in the violence-wracked Caribbean nation.
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Tax incentives – Boon or Bane?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia:PMX DS Anwar Ibrahim’s administration has repeatedly highlighted the need to be prudent in government spending in order to reduce deficits. We are constantly reminded by the Finance Minister that he has inherited more than a trillion dollars of debt from previous administrations that his government has to pay back. 
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Immigration: Global Election Issue

HONG KONG, SAR: Spoken or not, the issue of migration is an overt or covert issue for much of the politics of the world today, especially in a year with elections scheduled in eight of the world's 10 most populous nations.
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Malaysia Urged To Consider Licensing Takeda Dengue Vaccine

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Virologist Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr. Lam Sai Kit has urged the Malaysian government to look into giving access to a new dengue vaccine that is suitable for individuals who have been previously infected with dengue or not.
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China's Proxy Wars Are 'Encircling' America

NEW YORK, US: China is setting fires. Chinese President Xi Jinping green-lighted Russia's invasion of Ukraine and is supporting that war with lethal and other assistance. In North Africa, Beijing, in conjunction with Moscow, has been fueling insurgencies that resemble wars. In the Middle East, China is backing Hamas's monstrous attacks on Israel.
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Governments Urged To Strengthen Child Social Protection

NEW YORK, U.S.-The number of children worldwide without access to social protection continues to rise, putting them at risk of poverty, hunger and discrimination, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a report published on Wednesday.

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Rising Inflation, Falling Wages Threaten Increased Poverty And Unrest: ILO

NEW YORK, U.S.--Rising inflation has caused a striking decline in real monthly wages in many countries, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said in a report published on Wednesday, highlighting the urgent need for policies to prevent further poverty, inequality and social unrest.

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Grim Outlook On Global Warming Emerges From UN Conference

WASHINGTON, U.S.--The 27th United Nations conference on climate change, or COP27, meeting in Egypt, has seen two realities take hold among delegates: The goal of keeping the overall rise of global temperatures below 1.5 degrees by 2100 has almost certainly been lost; for preventing this requires cuts in emissions of 45 percent by 2030 — hardly a feasible prospect.

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Brazil To Face Deepening Political Polarization After Tighter Than Expected First Round Election

BEIJING, China--Political polarization will continue to deepen and political violence is likely to happen during the following election, Chinese experts predicted as far-right incumbent Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and his leftist rival former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva are set for a runoff election at the end of this month after a tighter than expected first round.

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King Charles III Faces Challenges As Old Colonial Links Go

SACRAMENTO, U.S.--In a coincidence that illustrates the great changes that Queen Elizabeth II had to deal with during a long reign, her death on September 8 came just a few hours after India, a leading member of what was once called the “British Commonwealth,” began removing some of the last emblems of British colonialism from central Delhi.

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World Population To Reach 8 Billion This Year, As Growth Rate Slows

NEW YORK, U.S.--15 November 2022 is predicted to be the day that the global population reaches eight billion. The projection is revealed in the UN’s World Population Prospects 2022 report, which also shows that India is on course to surpass China as the world’s most populous country in 2023.

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Blinken Signals Zero Change From Failed Trump Venezuela Policy

WASHINGTON, U.S.--The United States remains wedded to a failed Trump-era policy towards Venezuela, but it is no closer to achieving its regime change goals today than when it started more than three years ago.

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