Search result for: "Confrontation"

Where Expansion Could Hit A BRICS Wall

Turkey’s formal application last week for membership in BRICS marks a major step forward for a bloc that expanded its membership at the outset of the year to embrace Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates
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How Is The US Convincing The Philippines To Destroy Itself?

As China rises, Asia rises with it. The Southeast Asian state of the Philippines stood to rise alongside the rest of the region until relatively recently as the United States successfully convinces the Philippines to do otherwise
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Iran Knows It Cannot Win A War Against Israel

For all Iran's threats to retaliate against Israel for assassinating key Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, the key concern for the ayatollahs will be that, in any confrontation with the Israeli military, they have no chance of winning
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Rescuing NATO From Crisis

“We re-engaged our Alliance. We helped to re-energize our Alliance,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at NATO’s recent 75th summit
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NATO’s Future In Asia

HONG KONG, SAR: NATO’s 75th-anniversary summit in Washington, celebrated in early July, was unusual not only because of the extraordinary longevity of the alliance but also because of the attention paid to ‘threats’ posed by powers i.e., China, from far outside of its geographical focus in Europe
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Ukraine's Sovereignty Evaporates As West Tightens Grip Trough Zelensky Regime

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The U.S., which over the past ten years has used Ukraine as a tool for geopolitical confrontation with Russia, is seeking to establish total control over the process of making military-political decisions in Kyiv and the system-forming sectors of the Ukrainian economy. 
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Tokyo's New Fears Fit Into Washington's New Shift

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Washington is  upping the ante in deterring Beijing’s intent and actions in the region, especially in the South China Sea and in Taiwan.
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Japan To Join AUKUS Military Pact Against China

MICHIGAN, US: The stage has been set for Japan to become involved in the AUKUS military pact between the US, Britain and Australia when Japanese Prime Minister Kishida meets with US President Biden in Washington on Wednesday. The integration of a key US ally into AUKUS is part and parcel of the Biden administration’s accelerating preparations throughout the Asia Pacific for war with China.
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Prabowo's New Fears and Hope

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Indonesia’s President elect Prabowo’s visit to Malaysia reflects a new strategic maneuver for both Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. Jakarta will need Malaysia’s alignment of support and policies, as both share similar threat settings and challenges in facing renewed and intense pressure and overtures from both the West and Beijing.
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