Search result for: "Taiwan"

Reality Of KL-Singapore Interdependence

The Annual Retreat between Singapore and Malaysia and the visit by Prime Minister Lawrence Wong marked the symbolization of strategic realization of mutual importance
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Trump Has A Mandate To End Ukraine War

The enduring truism of electoral politics, unflinchingly even if uncritically repeated, that Americans don't vote on foreign policy, was repudiated this election cycle
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ASEAN Perlu Reformasi Strategik

ASEAN mempunyai sejarah yang panjang dan bersejarah, tetapi prinsip dan tunjang utama yang dipamerkan sering kali gagal menimbulkan keyakinan baharu dalam menghadapi ancaman geopolitik yang kian meruncing
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US Foreign Policy In 2025

As the US presidential election draws near, many are wondering what it will mean for American foreign policy. The answer is wrapped in uncertainty
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Wellington’s New Regional Friend-shoring

Malaysia - New Zealand ties are in a prime state for elevation, especially amidst the era of greater geopolitical uncertainties and challenges and potential conflicts in the region
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Asia-Pacific And World Order On The Cusp Of Change

Asia- Pacific leaders will discover - as Australians are finding with AUKUS - that the price for being deputy sheriff to the US will cost them and the coming generation more than just an exorbitant monetary sum
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