Search result for: "Mexico"

Will Mexico's Next President Step Out On The Global Stage?

WASHINGTON, US: Millions of Mexican voters will head to the polls this Sunday for what is likely to be a historic national election. With over 20,000 congressional and local positions up for grabs, it’s the largest election in the country's recent history.
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Immigration: Global Election Issue

HONG KONG, SAR: Spoken or not, the issue of migration is an overt or covert issue for much of the politics of the world today, especially in a year with elections scheduled in eight of the world's 10 most populous nations.
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Ukraine Conflict Quickly Slipping From International Stage

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Against the backdrop of the failure of the Volodimir Zelensky regime's counter-offensive and Kyiv’s chronic inability to turn the tide on the battlefield, it is extremely difficult for ruling circles in Western countries to justify further military and financial support for Ukraine to their voters, especially given the approaching U.S. presidential elections. 
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Global Warming And 'Big Bad Oil'

NEW YORK, US: Even before it started, it was evident that the COP28 jamboree to "save the planet" would not satisfy the high expectations, some of them contradictory, of the 198 nations and dozens of non-governmental organizations attending the event with different agendas, including some hidden ones.
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Saudi Massacres Of Refugees: Mass Murder By Key US Ally

MICHIGAN, US:Border guards in Saudi Arabia, armed and trained by the imperialist powers, especially the United States, have committed sadistic crimes against humanity, according to a report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) released Monday. The report documents the systematic murder of hundreds of migrants, mainly from Ethiopia, at the Yemen-Saudi border between March 2022 and June 2023.

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Scorching ‘New Normal’ As World Buckles Under Extreme Heat

NEW YORK, US: Heatwaves sweeping large parts of the world offer yet another reminder that extreme weather events boosted by human-induced climate change have become “the new normal”, the UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warned on Friday.
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Another War On Drugs Won’t Solve The Fentanyl Crisis

WASHINGTON, US:The United States is facing the worst drug crisis in its history. Fentanyl is killing Americans at record rates. When President Richard Nixon launched the war on drugs in 1971, annual overdose deaths were 6,771. Last year, 107,375 Americans died from drug overdoses, and fentanyl was responsible for nearly 70 percent of those deaths.

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To Whom Does A Country Belong?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia:Do people have a right to settle in another country? The answer to that is unfortunately No.

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Jakarta Acts To Stop Being The Next Atlantis

MELBOURNE, Australia:The fastest-sinking city in the world, Jakarta, has finally taken action on its core land subsidence problem when groundwater free zones for highrise buildings will start to be established in August this year.

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The US Military Is Operating In More Countries Than We Think

WASHINGTON, U.S.--U.S. military forces have been engaged in unauthorized hostilities in many more countries than the Pentagon has disclosed to Congress, let alone the public, according to a major new report released late last week by New York University School of Law’s Brennan Center for Justice.

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Brazil To Face Deepening Political Polarization After Tighter Than Expected First Round Election

BEIJING, China--Political polarization will continue to deepen and political violence is likely to happen during the following election, Chinese experts predicted as far-right incumbent Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and his leftist rival former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva are set for a runoff election at the end of this month after a tighter than expected first round.

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Share Power, Revenue And Jurisdictions With The States And Local Government

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--On 9 May, Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow urged the formation of a federal-state relations commission to study the working relationship between Putrajaya and various states, especially on issues under the federal government’s jurisdiction.

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New Tools Needed To Control The Spread Of Mosquito-Borne Disease

MELBOURNE, Australia--Mosquito-borne diseases already kill more than one million people and infect up to 700 million each year. Rising global temperatures are causing an expansion in the areas in which mosquitoes thrive, putting communities at higher latitudes and altitudes at risk of outbreaks and making more months each year favourable to disease transmission in places already prone to mosquito-borne disease.

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Ukraine Is A Russian Vital Interest, And Moscow Will Behave Accordingly

WASHINGTON, U.S.--Analysts and pundits in the United States and Europe are increasingly optimistic that Ukraine can win its war against Russia. They also are prodding the Biden administration to increase the flow of military hardware to Kyiv to maximize Ukraine’s chances of victory. 
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These Countries Are Willing To Risk US Ire Over Russia-Ukraine

WASHINGTON, U.S.--Americans are fervently cheering for Ukraine in a war that many believe is a decisive struggle for human freedom. The intensity of our infatuation makes it easy to assume that everyone in the world shares it. They don’t.

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