Search result for: "deterrence"

How AI Will Impact Deterrence

WASHINGTON, US: In the realm of defense and security, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is likely to transform the practices of deterrence and coercion, having at least three complementary effects on power, perception, and persuasion calculations among states.
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Pakatan Strategik Baharu the SQUAD Ubah Rubrik Kuasa Serantau

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Setiausaha Pertahanan AS Lloyd Austin bertemu pada hari Khamis lalu dengan rakan sejawatannya dari Australia, Jepun dan Filipina di Hawaii untuk mengeratkan hubungan dan meningkatkan kerjasama dan operasi ketenteraan, yang dinamakan sebagai pakatan baharu yang dikenali sebagai "The Squad."
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Amid Israel-Iran Strikes, International Law Is Eroding

WASHINGTON, US: Few international norms are as strongly upheld as the Vienna Conventions covering consular and diplomatic relations—a bedrock of international law outlining protections for foreign embassies and their staff. Yet, as the last seven months of war between Israel and Hamas are proving, international norms are taking a beating, culminating in an Israeli strike on an Iranian diplomatic mission in Damascus on April 2.
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New Details Emerge Of Russia’s Potential Nuclear Space Weapon

The Biden administration is taking to the bully pulpit to voice its conviction that Russia is moving to put a nuclear weapon in space designed to destroy satellites — with a senior State Department official for the first time today explaining that the concern is centered on a specific satellite development Moscow claims is aimed at testing electronics.
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The Shortsighted US-Japan-South Korea Military Pact

WASHINGTON, US: Driven by their common perception that North Korea and China posed growing threats to their nations’ security, U.S. President Joe Biden, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida agreed at last August’s summit at Camp David to elevate trilateral military ties to an unprecedented level.
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Tokyo's New Fears Fit Into Washington's New Shift

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Washington is  upping the ante in deterring Beijing’s intent and actions in the region, especially in the South China Sea and in Taiwan.
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The Messy Battlespace That Would Be A U.S. vs. China War

WASHINGTON, US: It’s a truism that the Pacific is an amphibian theater. Just look at your map and behold! the oceanic region’s majestic vacantness. That being the case, it takes amphibian forces to seize, hold, and defend terrain, chiefly though not exclusively along Asia’s first offshore island chain. Warfare in the Pacific promises to be an all-service, all-domain, and allied endeavor. Waging it will demand the utmost not just from naval forces but from fellow services that operate from dry earth.
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Malaysia Must Be Bold, Strategic in South China Sea

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysia’s conventional and decades old approach to the South China Sea conflict in using quiet and backdoor diplomacy is once again in the limelight with the repeated incursions and grey zone operations by Beijing over the years, the latest on February 17 where the China Coast Guard 5403 vessel sailed off the coast of Malaysia. Most of these including the latest incident did not get much awareness and attention.
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INDOPACOM Likely More Confrontational Under New Chief

BEIJING, China: As the US Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday voted to advance the nomination of Samuel Paparo as chief of the US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM), sending the matter to the full Senate for a confirmation vote, Chinese experts warn that under the new chief's command, it is very possible that the US military will try to create a crisis and deepen military tensions with China in the Asia-Pacific, especially across the Taiwan Straits.
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India’s Checkmate Of China’s Power And Lifeline For Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: India celebrated its Republic Day on January 26. Its rise in the regional and global economic and security leadership has been phenomenal and resonating, and yet has been largely misunderstood and ignored, and overshadowed by the rise of China and the perception of the Chinese Century.
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The Future Of Missile Defense

WASHINGTON, US: Policymakers in the Cold War became accustomed to a world in which mutual deterrence was based on a balance of terror, with technology favoring offense over defense. 
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What’s Really Going On With Pakistan And Iran Exchanging Attacks?

WASHINGTON, US: On Tuesday, Iran used missiles and drones to strike western Pakistan near Koh-e-Sabz. On Thursday, Pakistan conducted airstrikes in southeastern Iran near Saravan, then released a statement claiming that “Iran is a brotherly country.”
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Only A DPP Win Will Assure Arc Of Democracy

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Taiwan’s presidential election on 13 January remains a pivotal crossroads for both the Taiwanese people and regional fate of peace and democracy. 
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The Hezbollah Wildcard

WASHINGTON, US: The Israeli strike on Hamas’s political leadership on Tuesday threw wide open a new stage of escalation in the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict. 
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Tokyo's Trust Model Is Malaysia's Missing Link

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysia’s new elevation of ties with Japan to Comprehensive Strategic Partnership is long overdue, and while it has been late in the game, future joint defence prospects remain critical. Both face shifting threat settings, and are in need of one another’s relative strength and advantage.
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Russia's Defence Minister Reveals Comprehensive Picture On Operations In Ukraine

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: With regards to the ongoing Special Military Operation, Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu revealed a comprehensive picture of the situation on the ground at extended session of Defence Ministry Board as of December 2023, demonstrating a successful campaign but noting that more work is to be done:
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Paris Fills Security Gap For Malaysia

The visit by Minister for Armed Forces of France, Mr. Sébastien Lecornu on 8 December and the meeting with Defence Minister Dato Seri Mohamad Hasan reflect the growing criticality of bolstering defence and security commitment and the eventual returns to both countries.
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How Hamas Has Made Life Harder For Iran And Its Allies

WASHINGTON, US: While the Biden administration has secured a deal with Israel and Hamas for a combat “pause,” it remains to be seen if this leads to a formal cease fire or only allows for a brief respite before Israel resumes its bid to destroy Hamas.
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Choosing The West Or The East?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysia’s participation in the recent APEC Summit has seen the strong stance on the Palestinian issue being projected. In navigating the expected implications on this stance, Malaysia has also reiterated its conventional position on neutrality and firmly and fiercely aligning with its own non-aligned stance and refraining to take a side, and condemning the bloc rivalry and bipolar divide.
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