Search result for: "NDB"

BRICS Is Not The Same As The Non-Aligned Movement

Recent developments are casting a stark light on the Malaysia-US relationship, threatening to undermine security and diplomatic efforts aimed at maintaining free navigation in the South China Sea, while simultaneously solidifying China's influence over what was once a key US ally in the region.
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Is BRICS Resilient And Powerful Enough?

BRICS is an intergovernmental organization established in 2006 comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, originally slated to foster deeper economic ties and political dialogue among the member countries. It was set up primarily as an alternative bloc as a rival to the Western led order of the then Group of 8 (G8) and the established Western led institutions of IMF and the World Bank, in providing a new movement led by Russia and China. 
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BRICS And De-Dollarization, How Far Can It Go?

WASHINGTON, US: As the current chair of BRICS, Russia is pursuing a rather extensive agenda related to finance that includes enhancing the role of member countries in the international monetary and financial system and developing interbank cooperation and settlements in national currencies.
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People Will Judge The Carlson-Putin Talk For Themselves

BEIJING, China: The immediate response from Western mainstream media to American broadcaster Tucker Carlson's exclusive interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin has been largely less than positive. 
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Displaced Families Uprooted By Severe Floods Across Horn Of Africa

NEW YORK, US: Severe floods in the Horn of Africa have affected tens of thousands of displaced families in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, putting lives and livelihoods at risk, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Friday. 
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Delayed War Powers Vote Risks Further Suffering In Yemen

WASHINGTON, U.S.--On Tuesday evening, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) withdrew his war powers resolution to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition’s brutal war in Yemen in return for a promise from the Biden administration to work with him on ending U.S. involvement in the conflict.

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Proposed Philippine Wealth Fund Sparks Jitters

SACRAMENTO, U.S.--A legislative initiative to create a sovereign wealth fund to support President Ferdinand Marcos Jr’s national development agenda has evoked widespread controversy.

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Wan Junaidi: A steady hand and unsung reformist

Law minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar has been in the news a lot recently but unlike many other politicians who are the subject of media coverage

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PAS Parti Loklaq, Cepat Koyak Bila Tak Dapat Habuan

JOHOR BAHRU, Malaysia--Saya selalu pelik dengan perangai pemimpin dari parti loklaq, PAS. Sebelum ini bila UMNO/BN desak Parlimen dibubarkan dan PRU15 disegerakan, mereka bermati-matian tolak desakan itu dengan alasan klise; masanya tak sesuai.

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Time To Expand The APEC List Of Environmental Goods

SINGAPORE CITY, Singapore--In 2012, APEC Leaders endorsed a groundbreaking initiative for green trade policy cooperation — a commitment to reduce applied tariff rates on a list of 54 environmental goods to 5 percent or less by the end of 2015. 

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China or the USA?

WASHINGTON, U.S.--Two recent reports highlight a disturbing trend in the global power dynamic. They are not receiving much attention because of the ongoing war in Ukraine, but China is exploiting this out-of-the-spotlight moment to work smartly at increasing its influence within the Muslim world. 

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The Crisis In Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It's About Germany

SANTA CLARA, U.S.--The Ukrainian crisis has nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s about Germany and, in particular, a pipeline that connects Germany to Russia called Nord Stream 2. Washington sees the pipeline as a threat to its primacy in Europe and has tried to sabotage the project at every turn. 

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Philippines Confirms Purchase Of BrahMos Supersonic Missile System

WASHINGTON, U.S.--The Philippines has officially become the first foreign nation to acquire the potent Indian-Russian BrahMos supersonic anti-ship missile, strengthening its navy’s ability to safeguard its sovereign claims in the South China Sea.

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Bleak Outlook for Thailand in 2022

BANGKOK, Thailand--Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has ordered the two-metre fence around government house raised,  which critics describe as a metaphor for the government’s growing spate of dilemmas, especially with a swirling scandal over skyrocketing pork prices driven up by an outbreak of African flu that officials apparently tried to cover up, according to reports.

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The West And Its Old Illusion

NEW YORK, U.S.--Are economic relations and trade effective tools with which Western democracies could persuade totalitarian states to introduce reforms that could lead to democratisation?

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Thailand: International Tourism May Take Years To Recover

ALBANY, U.S.--With nearly 20 percent of Thailand’s pre-Covid crisis GDP related to tourism, the partial reopening of the country's borders on November 1 to international tourism was a risky move aimed at turning around the economy.

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