Search result for: "disinformation"

America's Enemies At Home And Abroad

NEW YORK, US: Who are these people who love America so much, who are so grateful for the freedoms they can have only in America, that they cannot wait to take them away?
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How AI Will Impact Deterrence

WASHINGTON, US: In the realm of defense and security, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is likely to transform the practices of deterrence and coercion, having at least three complementary effects on power, perception, and persuasion calculations among states.
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ISW: Defeatist Propaganda Keeping ‘Us’ From A Ukraine Military Victory

WASHINGTON, US: With the pendulum of war swinging in Russia’s favor and the Western alliance only now clearing the way for more aid to Ukraine, many have been waiting for the Institute for the Study of War to offer its take on who is to blame and what is to be done.
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TikTok: China's Instrument Of War

NEW YORK, US: Yesterday, March 13, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the "Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act" by a vote of 352 to 65, with one member voting present.
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The Demise Of Traditional Journalism

BANGKOK, Thailand: Back in the 1960s and 70s, the media was referred to as ‘The Fourth Estate’. The media played a role as a check and balance against government abuse of power, corruption, and overreach. The media was an integral part of any healthy democracy.
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Only A DPP Win Will Assure Arc Of Democracy

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Taiwan’s presidential election on 13 January remains a pivotal crossroads for both the Taiwanese people and regional fate of peace and democracy. 
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The Many Pathways Of Disinformation In Lebanon

WASHINGTON, US: Whether it be on WhatsApp, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, TikTok or news sites, people in Lebanon are increasingly consuming information online. With many ways to stay informed, however, there exists a heightened risk of stumbling across unverified news and false information.
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AI Minefield In The Misinformation Battle

MELBOURNE, Australia: The rapid advancement of generative AI has sparked concerns about its potential to fuel the spread of misinformation.
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Russian Foreign Minister Hits Out At West’s ‘Empire Of Lies’

NEW YORK, US: Russia’s Foreign Minister told the UN General Assembly on Saturday that a new world order is being born through a struggle between a neocolonial minority and a “global majority” seeking to end decades of Western domination.

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Beijing's Dangerous Flirtation With Hard Power Intimidation

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The  2023 China Standard Map issued by the country's Ministry of Natural Resources  has raised the ire of many countries including India and Malaysia is not a new playbook by Beijing, as this has been ongoing for years.
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WHO Declares End Of COVID-19 As A Public Health Emergency

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia-On the advice of the International Health Regulations (IHR) Emergency Committee, the WHO Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has declared an end to COVID-19 as a public health emergency based on the global downward trend of the pandemic in the last 12 months, the increasing population immunity from vaccination and natural infection, decreasing mortality, better access to diagnosis, vaccines and treatment, and the easing of pressure on the health systems.
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Ensure Independent Media And Keep Local Discourse Free From China’s Influence

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia-May 3 is the World Press Freedom Day. It remains highly relevant and ever more critical not only to the world in terms of maintaining the freedom to have the liberty to unbiased reporting and news and in upholding human rights and norms, but ever more pertinent in the case of Malaysia.

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Understanding National Unity In Post-GE15 Malaysian Society

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia-National unity is a very dynamic and relevant theme for public discussion. One concern arising from GE15 based on the voting pattern is how divided Malaysians are on the choice of the party or coalition which should run the government at the federal level.

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Qatar's Double Game: Funding Islamists While Pretending To Be America's Ally

NEW YORK, U.S.--A recent meeting in Doha, Qatar, between the Palestinian group, Hamas, and Afghanistan's Taliban, has served as yet another reminder of Qatar's double game of harboring and sponsoring Islamic extremists while simultaneously pretending to be an ally of the US and other Western countries.

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It Is Time For NATO To Confront Iran

NEW YORK, U.S.--Iran's belated admission that it has provided Russia with sophisticated drones to boost its war effort in Ukraine should serve as a wake-up call to all those Western policymakers who claim the threat posed by Tehran's aggressive regime is only limited to the Middle East region.

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