Search result for: "Modi"

India’s Renewed Focus On The Indo-Pacific

: India Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Brunei and Singapore signified the consolidation of the Act East Policy, further strengthening the focus on the Indo Pacific and Southeast Asia
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Strategi Baharu Moscow Pikat Malaysia Dan Kuasa Serantau

Forum Ekonomi Timur ke-9 Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) di Vladivostok mencipta dinamik kuasa baharu serantau, dan mencerminkan niat strategik Rusia untuk memperkukuhkan lagi pengaruhnya dalam domain Global South dan kuasa-kuasa baharu dalam blok bukan Barat
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Putin’s New Regional Friend-shoring And Courting Of Malaysia

The 9th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok creates new power dynamics and reflects the strategic intent by Russia to further bolster its weight and extended influence in the Global South and emerging powers in the non Western bloc
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Persamaan Politik Israel Dan Politik Melayu?

Bila Israel menakluki Tebing Barat, Gaza dan Baitulmuqadis Timur selepas peperangan 1967, dan mahu menjajah penduduk mereka sekali, Yeshayahu Leibowitz sudah tahu akan hala tuju Israel
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How South China Sea Tensions Threaten Global Trade

The post-COVID era has been punishing for global trade. Lockdowns and factory closures sparked supply chain delays worldwide and helped fuel decades-high inflation
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NATO’s Future In Asia

HONG KONG, SAR: NATO’s 75th-anniversary summit in Washington, celebrated in early July, was unusual not only because of the extraordinary longevity of the alliance but also because of the attention paid to ‘threats’ posed by powers i.e., China, from far outside of its geographical focus in Europe
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How Far Can A Putin-Modi Hug Go?

WASHINGTON, US: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi literally embraced Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow this week. Not just once, but a number of times, and in front of cameras.
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A Month Of New Power Flexing

Regional moves to expand power influence and friendshoring efforts have been intensifying
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BRICS: Kuasa Baharu Atau Potensi Merudum?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: BRICS ialah organisasi antara kerajaan (intergovernmental organisation) yang ditubuhkan pada 2006 yang terdiri daripada Brazil, Rusia, India, China dan Afrika Selatan, yang pada asalnya dijadualkan untuk memupuk hubungan ekonomi dan dialog politik yang lebih mendalam di kalangan negara anggota.
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The Deplorable Situation Of Migrant Workers In Malaysia

Parti Sosialis Malaysia is somewhat bemused with the jubilation in Madani Government circles following the recent upgrade of Malaysia from Tier 2 Watch List on Trafficking in Persons assessment to Tier 2 by the US Department of State.
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