Search result for: "world"

Is BRICS Resilient And Powerful Enough?

BRICS is an intergovernmental organization established in 2006 comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, originally slated to foster deeper economic ties and political dialogue among the member countries. It was set up primarily as an alternative bloc as a rival to the Western led order of the then Group of 8 (G8) and the established Western led institutions of IMF and the World Bank, in providing a new movement led by Russia and China. 
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Time To Terminate US Counter-Terrorism Programs In Africa

WASHINGTON, US: Every so often I am reminded of how counter-productive US engagement in the world has become. Of how, after miserable failure after failure, this country’s foreign policy makers keep trying to run the globe and fail again. From the strategic defeats in Iraq and Afghanistan to the feckless effort to sway the excessive Israeli military operation in Gaza, the US has squandered its power, exceeded its capabilities, and just plain failed.
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America's Enemies At Home And Abroad

NEW YORK, US: Who are these people who love America so much, who are so grateful for the freedoms they can have only in America, that they cannot wait to take them away?
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Washington Is Not Telling Truth About The Gaza Pier

WASHINGTON, US: The Biden administration wants you to believe the U.S. is leading international efforts to get humanitarian relief into Gaza and that supplies are “flowing to Palestinians” via the military’s pier operation there.
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The China-Russia Military-Economic Gambit

HONG KONG, SAR: In April, the European Union President Ursula von der Leyen in effect endorsed US trade policy with China, imposing tariffs and restrictions supposedly to make bilateral trade more balanced and ‘fair,’ as President Joe Biden put it.
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Buried In Steel: Military Production & NATO’s Proxy War In Ukraine

ST PETERSBURG, Russia: Now in its third year, Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO), precipitated by the overthrow of neighboring Ukraine’s elected government and the subsequent militarization of the country by the US and the rest of NATO, is admittedly benefiting from Russia’s immense military industrial base. 
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What An Even Stronger Modi Might Mean For US-India Relations

WASHINGTON, US: To many observers, the leadership of President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has marked an emerging shift in the Indo-American relationship, pointing towards a new era of mutual alignment.
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Russia And China In A Transforming World Order

MOSCOW, Russia: I am sincerely pleased to once again take part in the annual Russian-Chinese Conference, a significant expert event from the point of view of strengthening bilateral mutual understanding.
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The China-Russia Military-Economic Gambit

HONG KONG, SAR: In April, the European Union President Ursula von der Leyen in effect endorsed US trade policy with China, imposing tariffs and restrictions supposedly to make bilateral trade more balanced and ‘fair,’ as President Joe Biden put it.
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Don’t Believe The AI Hype

NEW YORK, US: According to tech leaders and many pundits and academics, artificial intelligence is poised to transform the world as we know it through unprecedented productivity gains.
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Turkey's Government Enables Terrorists

NEW YORK, US: Since 2002, Turkey has been ruled by the Islamist government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a vocal supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), a movement that seeks to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate based on Islamic sharia law.
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Malaysia Must Prepare For An Economic Slowdown

BANGKOK, Thailand: With the latest World Bank’s forecast warning that most economies will grow much slower in 2024 and 2025, Malaysia must be very cautious as the local economy is directly exposed to global events.
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Petrol Pain Coming For Malaysia’s Elderly

MELBOURNE, Australia: Plans to remove Malaysia’s fuel subsidies are set to add to cost of living challenges, particularly for its elderly population who rely heavily on fixed incomes.
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Russo-Ukrainian War: Widening The Front

SMO: There are certain regions of the world that seemed destined by the cruel caprice of geography and chance to be perennial battlegrounds.
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