Search result for: "US State Department"

How Is The US Convincing The Philippines To Destroy Itself?

As China rises, Asia rises with it. The Southeast Asian state of the Philippines stood to rise alongside the rest of the region until relatively recently as the United States successfully convinces the Philippines to do otherwise
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Blinken Should Fasten The ‘First Button’ Before Landing In China

BEIJING, China: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit China from April 24 to 26. Before his departure, the Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave a preview to the media with more than 3,000 words and introduced the relevant information of this visit. China has expressed "welcome" to Blinken's visit, and this attitude has not changed. At the same time, China gave a detailed explanation of the five major goals it focuses on for this visit, including establishing the right perception, strengthening dialogue, effectively managing differences, promoting mutually beneficial cooperation, and jointly shouldering responsibilities as major countries. China maintains flexibility in developing relations with the US, while also upholding seriousness on issues concerning China's core interests.
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Was Nuland Fired For Her Role In The Ukraine Debacle?

ALBANY, US: Victoria Nuland’s retirement is an admission that Washington’s premier foreign policy project has failed. No government official is more identified with the Ukraine fiasco than Nuland. 
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The death Of Russian Opposition Politician Alexei Navalny

MICHIGAN, US: The death of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny in an Arctic prison on Friday has been immediately integrated into a massive anti-Russia propaganda campaign by the Biden administration and its NATO allies, along with their associated media outlets. Without an autopsy, let alone a fact-grounded analysis of the circumstances of Navalny’s death, the unified position from the NATO powers is: “Putin killed Navalny.”
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Lebanon Hosts Terrorists, Points Massive Arsenal At Israel

NEW YORK, US: In the past few decades, Lebanon has allowed the Hezbollah terror militia and several Palestinian terror groups, including Hamas, to use its territory to plan and launch attacks against Israel. Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad – the three major officially-designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations operating in Lebanon – are all armed and funded by Iran.
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Qatar's Double Game: Funding Islamists While Pretending To Be America's Ally

NEW YORK, U.S.--A recent meeting in Doha, Qatar, between the Palestinian group, Hamas, and Afghanistan's Taliban, has served as yet another reminder of Qatar's double game of harboring and sponsoring Islamic extremists while simultaneously pretending to be an ally of the US and other Western countries.

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Turkey, Terrorists And NATO

NEW YORK, U.S.--Turkey, reportedly on the verge of yet another military incursion into Syria, appears up to other fun and games as well.

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Turkey: NATO's Pro-Putin Ally

NEW YORK, U.S.--Turkey's "balancing act" during the Russian invasion of Ukraine is the result of the country's Islamist leader's two-decade long indoctrination of a generation of Turks to make them "pious." 
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China Closer To Dominating Southeast Asia

NEW YORK, U.S.--While the world is preoccupied with Ukraine, China continues to make aggressive moves in the South China Sea, almost the entirety of which China claims to be part of its territory. 

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Call the Houthis What They Are — Foreign Terrorists

NEW YORK, U.S.--This week, Ansar Allah ("Supporters of God"), also known as the Houthis, an Iranian-backed armed militia in Yemen, launched ballistic missiles against civilian targets in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. 

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Macron Exacts Geopolitical Revenge For AUKUS Betrayal

HONG KONG, China--What distinguishes great powers like France is their sense of history and their profound understanding of the temporality of historical experience – or how their past, present and future are thought to be connected in their international diplomacy.

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Summit For Democracy An 'Anti-China Ideological Clique'; US Definition Of 'Authoritarianism' Outdated

BEIJING, China--The Joe Biden administration, in a highly dangerous and provocative manner, is turning the so-called summit for democracy into yet another small-sized ideology-driven clique to contain China, and this surely won't fare well as the world is trying to work together in the post-pandemic era and needs solidarity more than ever rather than using the so-called values to instigate confrontation and divergence.

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Myanmar anti-coup protests resume despite bloodshed

YANGON: Protesters returned to the streets of Myanmar’s capital Naypyitaw on Wednesday after the most violent day yet in demonstrations against a coup that halted a tentative transition to democracy under elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

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