Search result for: "RCEP"

Strategi Baharu Moscow Pikat Malaysia Dan Kuasa Serantau

Forum Ekonomi Timur ke-9 Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) di Vladivostok mencipta dinamik kuasa baharu serantau, dan mencerminkan niat strategik Rusia untuk memperkukuhkan lagi pengaruhnya dalam domain Global South dan kuasa-kuasa baharu dalam blok bukan Barat
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Putin’s New Regional Friend-shoring And Courting Of Malaysia

The 9th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok creates new power dynamics and reflects the strategic intent by Russia to further bolster its weight and extended influence in the Global South and emerging powers in the non Western bloc
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Iran Knows It Cannot Win A War Against Israel

For all Iran's threats to retaliate against Israel for assassinating key Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, the key concern for the ayatollahs will be that, in any confrontation with the Israeli military, they have no chance of winning
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Our Last Chance To Avoid War In The Middle East

Just before the 2020 Presidential elections, I published a book—The Eleventh Hour in 2020 America—in which I laid out the deterioration of American foreign policy and what the next administration needed to do to fix it
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Houthis Only Emboldened By Israeli Attacks

WASHINGTON, US: Israeli forces attacked “vital civilian infrastructure” at the port of Hodeidah in Yemen on Saturday in response to a Houthi drone strike in Tel Aviv, according to Mwatana, a leading independent Yemeni human rights organization.
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Iran Elections Hinge On Price Of Meat Not Ideology

WASHINGTON, US: Against all odds, Friday’s presidential election in Iran, necessitated by the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash May 19, may actually matter.
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BRICS: Kuasa Baharu Atau Potensi Merudum?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: BRICS ialah organisasi antara kerajaan (intergovernmental organisation) yang ditubuhkan pada 2006 yang terdiri daripada Brazil, Rusia, India, China dan Afrika Selatan, yang pada asalnya dijadualkan untuk memupuk hubungan ekonomi dan dialog politik yang lebih mendalam di kalangan negara anggota.
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Iran Moves Into Somalia

After six months of Iran using its Houthi Jihadis to impose a blockade near Yemen while defying Biden to do anything about it, the Islamic global terror state is moving on to a Somali blockade.
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Collective West Pushes Zelensky Regime To Strike Civilians To Distract From Battlefield Setbacks

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Against the backdrop of a series of military defeats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, accompanied by the retreat of Ukrainian troops along almost the entire line of combat contact, the Kyiv authorities, in an effort to change the extremely unfavorable information background for them, resorted to outright terror against civilian Russians.
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