Search result for: "Guterres"

Investing In Clean Air Can Saves Lives And Combat Climate Change

The UN Secretary-General is marking ‘Clean Air Day’ with a call for global investment in solutions that tackle climate change and the increasing public health, environmental, and economic harm caused by air pollution
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UN Chief Urges Climate Justice For Pacific Nations Beset By Rising Oceans

Pacific island nations threatened by rising oceans, debt and geopolitical tensions can only fight back if international lenders agree to fairer terms for vital development funding and the world’s biggest polluters make a “massive increase” in contributions to address “climate chaos”
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Effort To Restart Iran Nuclear Deal ‘At A Standstill’ Security Council Hears

NEW YORK, US:The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreed in 2015 lays out the rules for monitoring Iran’s domestic nuclear programme and paved the way for US sanctions to be lifted. It was agreed by Iran, the five permanent members of the Council (China, France, Russia the United Kingdom and the United States) plus Germany together with the European Union.
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Climate Advocates Demand Stronger COP28 Language On Fossil Fuels

NEW YORK, US: The latest COP28 draft outcome text released to negotiators in Dubai Monday evening dropped a call to ‘phase out’ fossil fuels, prompting outcry from climate vulnerable countries and civil society.
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Malaysia's Missed Opportunity At The UN

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The participation of Malaysia in the recently concluded UN General Assembly, while laden with high hopes and expectations on the returns on the country’s economic and soft power revival, remains a missed opportunity for a bigger showcase of the country’s global return in role, impact and influence.

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