Search result for: "PAS"

Strategi Baharu Moscow Pikat Malaysia Dan Kuasa Serantau

Forum Ekonomi Timur ke-9 Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) di Vladivostok mencipta dinamik kuasa baharu serantau, dan mencerminkan niat strategik Rusia untuk memperkukuhkan lagi pengaruhnya dalam domain Global South dan kuasa-kuasa baharu dalam blok bukan Barat
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The Only Deal Hamas Wants: Israel's Surrender

The Iran-backed Palestinian terrorist group Hamas has repeated its demand that Israel withdraw completely from the Gaza Strip in order to reach a ceasefire-hostage agreement with Israel
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China Casting The Decisive Vote In U.S. Election

The U.S. Department of Justice on September 4 announced it was seizing 32 internet domains "used in Russian government-directed foreign malign influence campaigns colloquially referred to as 'Doppelganger.'"
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Petronas' Blatant Disregard To Sarawak's Rights

PETRONAS' intention to resort to court in a bid to maintain control over the trading and extraction of gas and oil-related products in Sarawak’s territory represents a humiliating, cruel and unjust attempt to seize what is not theirs
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Migrant Madness Drives Political Upheaval

For two weeks over the summer, Europe was fixated on the story of a luxury yacht that sank in a storm off the island of Sicily with the loss of a billionaire technopreneur, a senior international banking executive, and several rich lawyers
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Wellington’s New Regional Friend-shoring

Malaysia - New Zealand ties are in a prime state for elevation, especially amidst the era of greater geopolitical uncertainties and challenges and potential conflicts in the region
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New UN Report Details Nicaragua’s Ongoing Human Rights Crisis

The human rights situation in Nicaragua has "seriously deteriorated" over the past year, following arbitrary arrests, mistreatment of detainees, attacks on Indigenous people, and intimidation of political opponents
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Pressing Issues Await Pope Francis In Indonesia

A host of pressing issues, including the rise of religious intolerance, climate change, human trafficking, violence in Christian-majority Papua, disputes over development projects, and lay-clergy conflict
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