Search result for: "Thailand"

Washington’s Unstoppable Superweapon

As geopolitical tensions escalate, the U.S. wields its most formidable weapon—not military might, but a sophisticated network of political and informational control that reshapes nations and regions to serve its interests
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Are We Abandoning ASEAN?

The Foreign Ministry confirmed on Wednesday that Foreign Minister Sugiono would not attend the informal ASEAN foreign ministers' meeting in Bangkok on Friday
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Malaysia’s Confusing Foreign Policy

When Malaysian prime minister Anwar Ibrahim announced and personally thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for his invitation to personally join the BRICS Summit in Kazan
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The Malay Gentry

The Indonesian independence struggle was deeply intertwined with the roles of the Javanese Gentry, known as the Prijaji
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The Malay Trilemma

Malaysia today faces a classic trilemma, one that requires balancing three critical objectives
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Petronas' Blatant Disregard To Sarawak's Rights

PETRONAS' intention to resort to court in a bid to maintain control over the trading and extraction of gas and oil-related products in Sarawak’s territory represents a humiliating, cruel and unjust attempt to seize what is not theirs
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Migrant Madness Drives Political Upheaval

For two weeks over the summer, Europe was fixated on the story of a luxury yacht that sank in a storm off the island of Sicily with the loss of a billionaire technopreneur, a senior international banking executive, and several rich lawyers
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How Is The US Convincing The Philippines To Destroy Itself?

As China rises, Asia rises with it. The Southeast Asian state of the Philippines stood to rise alongside the rest of the region until relatively recently as the United States successfully convinces the Philippines to do otherwise
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How South China Sea Tensions Threaten Global Trade

The post-COVID era has been punishing for global trade. Lockdowns and factory closures sparked supply chain delays worldwide and helped fuel decades-high inflation
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UMNO May Have Found A Crack In PAS Armour

BANGKOK, Thailand: If one has spent any time in any part of the Malay heartlands, there is a polarization of the population that will be observed
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