Search result for: "GAC"

Petronas' Blatant Disregard To Sarawak's Rights

PETRONAS' intention to resort to court in a bid to maintain control over the trading and extraction of gas and oil-related products in Sarawak’s territory represents a humiliating, cruel and unjust attempt to seize what is not theirs
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Investments In Malaysia: Getting It Right

In Malaysia's investment landscape, two distinct types of investments often come under the spotlight: Portfolio Investments and Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)
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Aging Nation Stuck In A Middle Income Trap?

In Hans Christian Andersen's "The Emperor's New Clothes," a vain emperor is deceived by two swindlers who claim they can weave clothes so fine they are invisible to anyone unfit for their position or who are foolish
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BRICS Is Not The Same As The Non-Aligned Movement

Recent developments are casting a stark light on the Malaysia-US relationship, threatening to undermine security and diplomatic efforts aimed at maintaining free navigation in the South China Sea, while simultaneously solidifying China's influence over what was once a key US ally in the region.
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Indonesian President In Damage Control Over New Capital

JAKARTA, Indonesia: Indonesia's president is rushing to reassure investors and bureaucrats about his $32 billion new capital city in a malaria-prone pocket of Borneo, after the resignations of two officials overseeing the plan raised fresh doubts about its future.
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Will Mexico's Next President Step Out On The Global Stage?

WASHINGTON, US: Millions of Mexican voters will head to the polls this Sunday for what is likely to be a historic national election. With over 20,000 congressional and local positions up for grabs, it’s the largest election in the country's recent history.
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Three Decades, Three Paradigm Shifts: How The Internet Transformed China

BEIJING, China: On April 20, 1994, China established its first full internet access, marking a profound transformative phase in various aspects of the country's economic and social spheres over the next three decades. I will not dwell on the significance of the internet to the Chinese economy. Instead, I aim to explore how the internet has influenced Chinese social paradigms.
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Immigration: Global Election Issue

HONG KONG, SAR: Spoken or not, the issue of migration is an overt or covert issue for much of the politics of the world today, especially in a year with elections scheduled in eight of the world's 10 most populous nations.
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When Politicians Want To Go To Heaven

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: It was reported that UMNO’s sole assemblyman in Kelantan, Mohd Syahbuddin Hashim, voted along with the rest of the state legislature to support a motion to re-enact provisions of the Shariah criminal code that the Federal Court recently declared unconstitutional. In explaining the assembly’s puerile act of defiance of the highest court in the land, Syahbuddin said, “We want to go to heaven”. 
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America’s Unrivalled Space Race Dominance

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The first return to the moon since the 1970s for the US with the touchdown of Odysseus by Texas-based company Intuitive Machines near the moon's south pole on 22 February, marked the first in more than half a century and the first ever achieved by the private sector.
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The Demise Of Traditional Journalism

BANGKOK, Thailand: Back in the 1960s and 70s, the media was referred to as ‘The Fourth Estate’. The media played a role as a check and balance against government abuse of power, corruption, and overreach. The media was an integral part of any healthy democracy.
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The Dangerous Global Order With A Nuclear Armed Iran

NEW YORK, US: As Iran is on the verge of achieving a significant milestone in obtaining nuclear weapons, concerns are mounting over the Biden administration's lack of a coherent strategy to prevent Iran from going nuclear.
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The Prime Minister’s Maverick Economic Advisor

The damage caused by senior politicians like Tun Mahathir & Tun Daim would have not been possible without the help of able & willing civil senior servants. These government officials were at the beck and call of the political apparatus.
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A Century Of Conflict In The Middle East

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The year 1916 is a unique combination of two numbers 19 & 16 –i.e. both are with the digit 1 followed by the numerals 9 & 6 –which appears as if they (9&6) were rotated mirror images of each other. Now the year 1916 was also during the midst of the First World War and was probably the year in which the Modern Middle East as we know it today began to take shape.
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When There Are Few Chinese And Indians Left In Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: A quasi-Malay ex-politician's recent rant questioning the loyalty of Indians because they are not “Malay enough” in his bigoted perspective got me thinking. Not about bigots who, like snakes, only know how to spew poison and wag their forked tongues; but rather, whether the Malays would really be better off if there were a lot fewer Indians and Chinese in Malaysia?
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Only A DPP Win Will Assure Arc Of Democracy

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Taiwan’s presidential election on 13 January remains a pivotal crossroads for both the Taiwanese people and regional fate of peace and democracy. 
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