Search result for: "Goldman Sachs"

BRICS And De-Dollarization, How Far Can It Go?

WASHINGTON, US: As the current chair of BRICS, Russia is pursuing a rather extensive agenda related to finance that includes enhancing the role of member countries in the international monetary and financial system and developing interbank cooperation and settlements in national currencies.
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Don’t Believe The AI Hype

NEW YORK, US: According to tech leaders and many pundits and academics, artificial intelligence is poised to transform the world as we know it through unprecedented productivity gains.
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Time To Pull The Plug On Forced Electric Vehicles

NEW YORK, US: The recent headlines regarding the forced transition from gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles to electrical vehicles (EVs) are screaming "Slow down!" even as federal and state governments are barreling along trying to regulate and mandate them.
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New Strategic India-Malaysia Frontier for Regional Stability

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Strategically located within India’s necklace of diamonds counter balancing strategy against China’s trings of pearls encirclement, Malaysia forms an integral  plan of India’s Act East Policy.

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