Search result for: "Iraq"

Assassination Of Hamas Leader In Iran Puts New President In A Trap

WASHINGTON, US: Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, was assassinated in Tehran, widely believed by Israel. He was in Tehran to attend the ceremonies marking inauguration of Iran’s new President, Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian
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Iran Moves Into Somalia

After six months of Iran using its Houthi Jihadis to impose a blockade near Yemen while defying Biden to do anything about it, the Islamic global terror state is moving on to a Somali blockade.
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The Secret Deal That Freed Julian Assange

Inside the secret deal that freed Julian Assange: The extraordinary behind closed doors negotiations and legal lifeline that led to WikiLeaks founder's surprise release
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Time To Terminate US Counter-Terrorism Programs In Africa

WASHINGTON, US: Every so often I am reminded of how counter-productive US engagement in the world has become. Of how, after miserable failure after failure, this country’s foreign policy makers keep trying to run the globe and fail again. From the strategic defeats in Iraq and Afghanistan to the feckless effort to sway the excessive Israeli military operation in Gaza, the US has squandered its power, exceeded its capabilities, and just plain failed.
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Buried In Steel: Military Production & NATO’s Proxy War In Ukraine

ST PETERSBURG, Russia: Now in its third year, Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO), precipitated by the overthrow of neighboring Ukraine’s elected government and the subsequent militarization of the country by the US and the rest of NATO, is admittedly benefiting from Russia’s immense military industrial base. 
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Turkey's Government Enables Terrorists

NEW YORK, US: Since 2002, Turkey has been ruled by the Islamist government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a vocal supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), a movement that seeks to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate based on Islamic sharia law.
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Blinken Appears Laser Focused On Saudi-Israel Deal, At All Costs

WASHINGTON, US: Amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, which in recent weeks spread to direct military exchanges with Iran, Biden administration officials remain convinced they can achieve a broader Middle East peace through an Israel-Saudi Arabia normalization deal which would entail a U.S. security guarantee for Saudi Arabia.
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Yemen Houthis Offered US Incentives To Stop Red Sea Attacks

ABU DHABI, UAE: Mediators have conveyed messages from the US to the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, offering “incentives” including lifting the blockade of Sanaa and Hodeidah and accelerating peace talks, in return for the group halting its attacks in the Red Sea, sources told The National.
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ISW: Defeatist Propaganda Keeping ‘Us’ From A Ukraine Military Victory

WASHINGTON, US: With the pendulum of war swinging in Russia’s favor and the Western alliance only now clearing the way for more aid to Ukraine, many have been waiting for the Institute for the Study of War to offer its take on who is to blame and what is to be done.
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From Desperation To Determination: Indonesian Trafficking Survivors Demand Justice

NEW YORK, US: Working abroad can be a way for Indonesians to earn much more than they could at home, and provide for their families. However, for some the journey can turn into a nightmare, with long hours, wages withheld, and abuse. The UN is working closely with the government to help bring trafficked workers home.
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Immigration: Global Election Issue

HONG KONG, SAR: Spoken or not, the issue of migration is an overt or covert issue for much of the politics of the world today, especially in a year with elections scheduled in eight of the world's 10 most populous nations.
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How To Get The Hostages Released: The Cure For Biden's Disastrous Qatar Policy

NEW YORK, US: Despite the presumed murder of more than 31 of the roughly 134 hostages remaining in Hamas captivity and the continued refusal of Hamas to free any more, the Biden administration nevertheless continues, embarrassingly, to thank the Islamist, terror-sponsoring Gulf state of Qatar for its "efforts" since October 7.
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The Demise Of Traditional Journalism

BANGKOK, Thailand: Back in the 1960s and 70s, the media was referred to as ‘The Fourth Estate’. The media played a role as a check and balance against government abuse of power, corruption, and overreach. The media was an integral part of any healthy democracy.
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The Dangerous Global Order With A Nuclear Armed Iran

NEW YORK, US: As Iran is on the verge of achieving a significant milestone in obtaining nuclear weapons, concerns are mounting over the Biden administration's lack of a coherent strategy to prevent Iran from going nuclear.
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On Confronting The Iranian Regime

NEW YORK, US: The Biden administration's reluctance to robustly respond to the rogue Islamist regime of Iran apparently only reinforces the inclination of Iran's political and military leadership to inflict more harm.
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