Search result for: "Gatestone"

The Only Deal Hamas Wants: Israel's Surrender

The Iran-backed Palestinian terrorist group Hamas has repeated its demand that Israel withdraw completely from the Gaza Strip in order to reach a ceasefire-hostage agreement with Israel
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China Casting The Decisive Vote In U.S. Election

The U.S. Department of Justice on September 4 announced it was seizing 32 internet domains "used in Russian government-directed foreign malign influence campaigns colloquially referred to as 'Doppelganger.'"
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Paris Olympics: The Day After

NEW YORK, US: Many had dismissed it as a costly indulgence for a nation facing economic hardship, while some condemned it as a dangerous diversion from the deepest political crisis France faces since the 1950s.
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France: Political Chaos

Paris. June 9. 8pm. The results of the European Parliament elections were made public. in In France, the party of President Emmanuel Macron garnered 14.6% of the vote, 8 points less than in 2019; the French population had turned away from Macron
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Iran Knows It Cannot Win A War Against Israel

For all Iran's threats to retaliate against Israel for assassinating key Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, the key concern for the ayatollahs will be that, in any confrontation with the Israeli military, they have no chance of winning
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Iran Moves Into Somalia

After six months of Iran using its Houthi Jihadis to impose a blockade near Yemen while defying Biden to do anything about it, the Islamic global terror state is moving on to a Somali blockade.
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America's Enemies At Home And Abroad

NEW YORK, US: Who are these people who love America so much, who are so grateful for the freedoms they can have only in America, that they cannot wait to take them away?
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Turkey's Government Enables Terrorists

NEW YORK, US: Since 2002, Turkey has been ruled by the Islamist government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a vocal supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), a movement that seeks to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate based on Islamic sharia law.
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Will China Soon Control Both Elon Musk And SpaceX?

NEW YORK, US: At the end of April, Elon Musk at the last moment cancelled a trip to India, instead showed up in Beijing, and snagged a deal to rescue Tesla. The results were immediate: The shares of the electric-vehicle maker, which had been out-of-favor on Wall Street, soared on the news.
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Hamas and Hezbollah: How Iran Is Secretly Infiltrating Europe

NEW YORK, US: The terrorist threat to Europe from the Islamic Republic of Iran -- and Hamas and Hezbollah, its proxies -- is growing. European leaders, however, are absorbed with trying to prevent Israel from eliminating the military capabilities of Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon, even though that would diminish the ability of these terrorists to operate in Europe.
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TikTok: China's Instrument Of War

NEW YORK, US: Yesterday, March 13, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the "Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act" by a vote of 352 to 65, with one member voting present.
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How To Get The Hostages Released: The Cure For Biden's Disastrous Qatar Policy

NEW YORK, US: Despite the presumed murder of more than 31 of the roughly 134 hostages remaining in Hamas captivity and the continued refusal of Hamas to free any more, the Biden administration nevertheless continues, embarrassingly, to thank the Islamist, terror-sponsoring Gulf state of Qatar for its "efforts" since October 7.
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The Dangerous Global Order With A Nuclear Armed Iran

NEW YORK, US: As Iran is on the verge of achieving a significant milestone in obtaining nuclear weapons, concerns are mounting over the Biden administration's lack of a coherent strategy to prevent Iran from going nuclear.
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On Confronting The Iranian Regime

NEW YORK, US: The Biden administration's reluctance to robustly respond to the rogue Islamist regime of Iran apparently only reinforces the inclination of Iran's political and military leadership to inflict more harm.
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Lebanon Hosts Terrorists, Points Massive Arsenal At Israel

NEW YORK, US: In the past few decades, Lebanon has allowed the Hezbollah terror militia and several Palestinian terror groups, including Hamas, to use its territory to plan and launch attacks against Israel. Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad – the three major officially-designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations operating in Lebanon – are all armed and funded by Iran.
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Pakistan Deporting Afghans Who Seek Asylum From Taliban

NEW YORK, US:Pakistan has started the mass deportation of "unregistered" Afghans in the country. The move sends back hundreds of thousands of people who fled the Taliban when they took over in 2021 after American troops withdrew, and violates principles of refugee non-refoulement. If forcibly returned, these refugees are at risk of persecution.
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