Search result for: "Canada"

Russian Asset Seizure Scheme Will Prolong War

In an article in Politico, Dan Fried, Anders Aslund and Kurt Volker argue for the European Union to speed up arrangements to unlock the $50 billion loan package that was approved at the G7 Summit in June
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Investing In Clean Air Can Saves Lives And Combat Climate Change

The UN Secretary-General is marking ‘Clean Air Day’ with a call for global investment in solutions that tackle climate change and the increasing public health, environmental, and economic harm caused by air pollution
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US Hypocritically Moves To Grab Territory In Arctic

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: US claims to new territories in the Arctic are a “grab,” said Bloomberg columnist Liam Denning, commenting on Washington’s decision to announce the expansion of its own part of the continental shelf in the Arctic. 
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A Month Of New Power Flexing

Regional moves to expand power influence and friendshoring efforts have been intensifying
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Japan To Join AUKUS Military Pact Against China

MICHIGAN, US: The stage has been set for Japan to become involved in the AUKUS military pact between the US, Britain and Australia when Japanese Prime Minister Kishida meets with US President Biden in Washington on Wednesday. The integration of a key US ally into AUKUS is part and parcel of the Biden administration’s accelerating preparations throughout the Asia Pacific for war with China.
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On 75th Anniversary, NATO Is At A Serious Crossroads

WASHINGTON, US: Seventy five years ago today – April 4, 1949 — foreign ministers of the United States, Canada, and 10 West European countries concluded the Treaty of Washington, creating what became the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
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NATO Member Turkey Takes Role Of 'Active Neutrality' In Red Sea Crisis

WASHINGTON, US: Israel’s war on Gaza has significantly internationalized with its expansion into the Red Sea since November. This body of water, which is critical from the standpoint of global trade, is consequently becoming increasingly militarized.
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The Demise Of Traditional Journalism

BANGKOK, Thailand: Back in the 1960s and 70s, the media was referred to as ‘The Fourth Estate’. The media played a role as a check and balance against government abuse of power, corruption, and overreach. The media was an integral part of any healthy democracy.
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Saudi Arabia Has Most To Lose If US Strikes Go Sideways

WASHINGTON, US: Since November, the Houthis in Yemen have launched scores of missile and drone attacks on vessels in the Gulf of Aden and the southern Red Sea in reaction to the U.S.-backed Israeli war on Gaza. Ansarallah, the dominant Houthi militia, also hijacked the Japanese-operated and partly Israeli-owned Galaxy Leader on November 19.
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ASEAN Statement On South China Sea: The Right Step Forward

MANILA. Philippines: In what is seen by many as an unprecedented move, the foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) issued a stand-alone statement expressing concern about the developments in the South China Sea and reaffirming “the shared commitment to maintaining and promoting peace, security and stability in the region” where tension has been growing over conflicting claims in the South China Sea.
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Global Warming And 'Big Bad Oil'

NEW YORK, US: Even before it started, it was evident that the COP28 jamboree to "save the planet" would not satisfy the high expectations, some of them contradictory, of the 198 nations and dozens of non-governmental organizations attending the event with different agendas, including some hidden ones.
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The Religious Face Of India-Canada Tensions

HONG KONG, China:Earlier this week, officials from Canada and India made new comments about their bilateral dispute. Although the political dimension of their controversy cannot be ignored, one should not dismiss the importance of its religious roots.
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Yaroslav Hunka, Politico And The Rehabilitation Of Nazi War Crimes

MICHIGAN, US:Two weeks after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, German Ambassador Sabine Sparwasser and the entire Canadian Parliament honored Ukrainian Waffen-SS veteran Yaroslav Hunka with a standing ovation, it is increasingly obvious that this was not a misunderstanding. Rather, it was a deliberate provocation.

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Zelensky Stood And Applauded The Centenarian SS Man For “Defending Ukraine From The Russians” During The Second World War

OTTAWA, Canada: Oh, how inconvenient it turned out! The honoring and “applause turning into ovation” for the 98-year-old Ukrainian SS man, former volunteer of the SS Galicia division Yaroslav Gunko in the Canadian Parliament caused a serious scandal in Ottawa. Speaker of the Canadian Parliament Anthony Rota apologized for inviting into the hall a Ukrainian SS veteran who still carefully keeps photographs of himself in the SS uniform. And they are so valuable to Gunko that even when he fled overseas, he took them with him.

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ASEAN’S China Dilemma

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The 43rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits in Jakarta are again a manifestation of distinct power plays, denting any aspired efficacy of the scramble to elevate conflict prevention mechanisms.

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