Search result for: "BRICS"

Is BRICS Resilient And Powerful Enough?

BRICS is an intergovernmental organization established in 2006 comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, originally slated to foster deeper economic ties and political dialogue among the member countries. It was set up primarily as an alternative bloc as a rival to the Western led order of the then Group of 8 (G8) and the established Western led institutions of IMF and the World Bank, in providing a new movement led by Russia and China. 
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De-dollarisation, Economic Diversification Attract Malaysia to BRICS

NEW DELHI, India: Malaysia would soon begin the process of joining the BRICS grouping, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim told a Chinese publication Guancha this week. Earlier, Thailand also expressed a formal interest in joining the Global South grouping.
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BRICS And De-Dollarization, How Far Can It Go?

WASHINGTON, US: As the current chair of BRICS, Russia is pursuing a rather extensive agenda related to finance that includes enhancing the role of member countries in the international monetary and financial system and developing interbank cooperation and settlements in national currencies.
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The China-Russia Military-Economic Gambit

HONG KONG, SAR: In April, the European Union President Ursula von der Leyen in effect endorsed US trade policy with China, imposing tariffs and restrictions supposedly to make bilateral trade more balanced and ‘fair,’ as President Joe Biden put it.
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What An Even Stronger Modi Might Mean For US-India Relations

WASHINGTON, US: To many observers, the leadership of President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has marked an emerging shift in the Indo-American relationship, pointing towards a new era of mutual alignment.
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The China-Russia Military-Economic Gambit

HONG KONG, SAR: In April, the European Union President Ursula von der Leyen in effect endorsed US trade policy with China, imposing tariffs and restrictions supposedly to make bilateral trade more balanced and ‘fair,’ as President Joe Biden put it.
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What A Prabowo Win Signals For US-Indonesia Relations

WASHINGTON, US: Soon after voting ended in the world’s fourth-largest country and third-largest democracy, Prabowo Subianto is claiming a knock-out blow winning more than half the vote and the necessary number of provinces to eliminate both his challengers.
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Gaza Conflict Won’t Fully Turn Muslim Nations From US To China, Say Analysts

HONG KONG, SAR: Although many Muslim nations are publicly unhappy with US support for Israel in the wake of Israel’s invasion of Gaza in retaliation for Hamas’s savage October 7 surprise attack and make a show of preferring China’s growing influence, their shift in allegiance is only temporary, analysts say, although the Gaza situation has complicated the US position and slowed the momentum that was building for growing rapport between Israel and several Middle Eastern nations, particularly Saudi Arabia. 
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A Future World Monetary Order

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia:The Center for Market Education (CME) is excited to announce the publication of the first EduPaper Special Issue entitled “A Future World Monetary Order: A Debate on Lawrence H. White’s ‘Better Money: Gold, Fiat, or Bitcoin?’”, edited by CME Associate, Emile Phaneuf III.
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Choosing The West Or The East?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysia’s participation in the recent APEC Summit has seen the strong stance on the Palestinian issue being projected. In navigating the expected implications on this stance, Malaysia has also reiterated its conventional position on neutrality and firmly and fiercely aligning with its own non-aligned stance and refraining to take a side, and condemning the bloc rivalry and bipolar divide.
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Malaysia's Missed Opportunity At The UN

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The participation of Malaysia in the recently concluded UN General Assembly, while laden with high hopes and expectations on the returns on the country’s economic and soft power revival, remains a missed opportunity for a bigger showcase of the country’s global return in role, impact and influence.

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Can The US Compete With China's Belt & Road Initiative?

WASHINGTON, US:Ten years after Chinese President Xi Jinping announced China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Kazakhstan and Indonesia, a new connectivity initiative was unveiled with great fanfare by the United States, India, and the Arab Gulf and European countries during the G20 meeting in New Delhi earlier this month.

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Malaysia's Overdependence Trap

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysia will need to have a strategic long term reorientation of its economic fundamentals, especially on ensuring a dependable and sustainable external economic dependence. 

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Russian Foreign Minister Hits Out At West’s ‘Empire Of Lies’

NEW YORK, US: Russia’s Foreign Minister told the UN General Assembly on Saturday that a new world order is being born through a struggle between a neocolonial minority and a “global majority” seeking to end decades of Western domination.

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G20: Strategic Chess Moves And Backfiring Mind Games

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The G20 Summit was a watershed moment  with different implications for all major powers present. It remained the ultimate playbook of strategic and brilliant geopolitical moves in strengthening key partnerships, addressing shortcomings and initiating wise and strategic chess moves in a new domain of power strategy and friendshoring efforts. India and the US scored big in the absence of Xi and Putin, and Beijing and Moscow saw their grip further squeezed by a flurry of moves and consolidations.

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Beijing's Dangerous Flirtation With Hard Power Intimidation

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The  2023 China Standard Map issued by the country's Ministry of Natural Resources  has raised the ire of many countries including India and Malaysia is not a new playbook by Beijing, as this has been ongoing for years.
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G20 Summit Sets Up Western Clash With A Rising Global South

WASHINGTON, US:The leaders of the world’s largest economies will gather this weekend in New Delhi, India, for the G20 summit. The meeting comes at a complex time for the grouping, which is one of the rare venues where Russian, Chinese, American and European leaders have to rub shoulders each year.

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BRICS Expansion Could Reshape Global Energy Markets

LONDON, UK: From August 22nd to 24th, BRICS leaders are set to convene in South Africa, marking a pivotal moment for this loosely knit coalition of major non-Western nations including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. 

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