Search result for: "AUKUS"

Asia-Pacific And World Order On The Cusp Of Change

Asia- Pacific leaders will discover - as Australians are finding with AUKUS - that the price for being deputy sheriff to the US will cost them and the coming generation more than just an exorbitant monetary sum
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Moscow's New Arctic And Indo-Pacific Push

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Malaysia on 27 July marks an extension of the larger objective and plans for the region for Moscow.
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NATO Beralih Fokus Kepada Beijing Dan Indo-Pasifik

Sambutan ulang tahun ke-75 Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara (NATO) pada awal bulan Julai telah mencetuskan perdebatan baharu mengenai kepentingan dan skop masa depan NATO
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The Secret Deal That Freed Julian Assange

Inside the secret deal that freed Julian Assange: The extraordinary behind closed doors negotiations and legal lifeline that led to WikiLeaks founder's surprise release
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Malaysia's Bid For BRICS Membership Signals Major Policy Failure For US

KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia: Recent disturbing developments are putting the Malaysia-US relationship in the harshest possible light, undermining security and diplomatic efforts in keeping the South China Sea (SCS) an area of free navigation while solidifying China's control in what was formerly a key US ally in the region.
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Russia And China In A Transforming World Order

MOSCOW, Russia: I am sincerely pleased to once again take part in the annual Russian-Chinese Conference, a significant expert event from the point of view of strengthening bilateral mutual understanding.
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Pakatan Strategik Baharu the SQUAD Ubah Rubrik Kuasa Serantau

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Setiausaha Pertahanan AS Lloyd Austin bertemu pada hari Khamis lalu dengan rakan sejawatannya dari Australia, Jepun dan Filipina di Hawaii untuk mengeratkan hubungan dan meningkatkan kerjasama dan operasi ketenteraan, yang dinamakan sebagai pakatan baharu yang dikenali sebagai "The Squad."
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Japan To Join AUKUS Military Pact Against China

MICHIGAN, US: The stage has been set for Japan to become involved in the AUKUS military pact between the US, Britain and Australia when Japanese Prime Minister Kishida meets with US President Biden in Washington on Wednesday. The integration of a key US ally into AUKUS is part and parcel of the Biden administration’s accelerating preparations throughout the Asia Pacific for war with China.
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Russia Steps Up ASEAN Engagement As Multipolar World Emerges

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: As the collective West steps up its confrontational foreign policy against its perceived rivals, Russia is moving forward with a constructive agenda through greater engagement with its partners in the Asia-Pacific, particularly with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), according to Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko.
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Usaha Australia Pikat ASEAN Dalam Menangkis Perluasan Beijing

KUALA LUMPUR, Malayia: Persidangan Khas ASEAN – Australia sempena ulangtahun ke-50 pertalian di antara kedua-dua entiti memberikan gambaran jelas kepada negara anggota serantau dan juga kepada kuasa luar terutamanya China.
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What A Prabowo Win Signals For US-Indonesia Relations

WASHINGTON, US: Soon after voting ended in the world’s fourth-largest country and third-largest democracy, Prabowo Subianto is claiming a knock-out blow winning more than half the vote and the necessary number of provinces to eliminate both his challengers.
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Malaysia Must Be Bold, Strategic in South China Sea

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Malaysia’s conventional and decades old approach to the South China Sea conflict in using quiet and backdoor diplomacy is once again in the limelight with the repeated incursions and grey zone operations by Beijing over the years, the latest on February 17 where the China Coast Guard 5403 vessel sailed off the coast of Malaysia. Most of these including the latest incident did not get much awareness and attention.
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INDOPACOM Likely More Confrontational Under New Chief

BEIJING, China: As the US Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday voted to advance the nomination of Samuel Paparo as chief of the US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM), sending the matter to the full Senate for a confirmation vote, Chinese experts warn that under the new chief's command, it is very possible that the US military will try to create a crisis and deepen military tensions with China in the Asia-Pacific, especially across the Taiwan Straits.
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Only A DPP Win Will Assure Arc Of Democracy

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Taiwan’s presidential election on 13 January remains a pivotal crossroads for both the Taiwanese people and regional fate of peace and democracy. 
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