Search result for: "politics"

Sinergi Strategik Baharu Antara Vietnam Dan Malaysia

Lawatan rasmi Yang Berhormat To Lam, Pemimpin Parti Komunis Vietnam ke Malaysia yang baharu berakhir mencipta suntikan baharu dalam hubungan Hanoi-Kuala Lumpur yang telah berakar dalam persahabatan sejarah dan saling bergantung secara strategik
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New Strategic Synergy Between Vietnam And Malaysia

The official visit by His Excellency To Lam, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam to Malaysia creates a new chapter of Hanoi-Kuala Lumpur ties
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Trump Has A Mandate To End Ukraine War

The enduring truism of electoral politics, unflinchingly even if uncritically repeated, that Americans don't vote on foreign policy, was repudiated this election cycle
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ASEAN Perlu Reformasi Strategik

ASEAN mempunyai sejarah yang panjang dan bersejarah, tetapi prinsip dan tunjang utama yang dipamerkan sering kali gagal menimbulkan keyakinan baharu dalam menghadapi ancaman geopolitik yang kian meruncing
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The Bloc Divide And The Future Of The UN

The recently concluded 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) provided little to no credible impact on the growing dire global conflict scenarios
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Perluasan Pengaruh Dan Impak Pakatan Quad

Sidang Kemuncak Quad yang dihoskan oleh Presiden Biden pada 21 September di Delaware kekal sebagai tonggak utama dan simbol daya tahan dan kekuatan Quad
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The Quad’s New Staying Power

The Quad Summit hosted by outgoing President Biden in Delaware on September 21 remains a cornerstone and symbol of the Quad’s resilience and strength
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