Search result for: "expansion"

Wellington’s New Regional Friend-shoring

Malaysia - New Zealand ties are in a prime state for elevation, especially amidst the era of greater geopolitical uncertainties and challenges and potential conflicts in the region
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Rescuing NATO From Crisis

“We re-engaged our Alliance. We helped to re-energize our Alliance,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at NATO’s recent 75th summit
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NATO’s Future In Asia

HONG KONG, SAR: NATO’s 75th-anniversary summit in Washington, celebrated in early July, was unusual not only because of the extraordinary longevity of the alliance but also because of the attention paid to ‘threats’ posed by powers i.e., China, from far outside of its geographical focus in Europe
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Moscow's New Arctic And Indo-Pacific Push

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Malaysia on 27 July marks an extension of the larger objective and plans for the region for Moscow.
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Houthis Only Emboldened By Israeli Attacks

WASHINGTON, US: Israeli forces attacked “vital civilian infrastructure” at the port of Hodeidah in Yemen on Saturday in response to a Houthi drone strike in Tel Aviv, according to Mwatana, a leading independent Yemeni human rights organization.
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How Far Can A Putin-Modi Hug Go?

WASHINGTON, US: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi literally embraced Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow this week. Not just once, but a number of times, and in front of cameras.
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US Hypocritically Moves To Grab Territory In Arctic

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: US claims to new territories in the Arctic are a “grab,” said Bloomberg columnist Liam Denning, commenting on Washington’s decision to announce the expansion of its own part of the continental shelf in the Arctic. 
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Is BRICS Resilient And Powerful Enough?

BRICS is an intergovernmental organization established in 2006 comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, originally slated to foster deeper economic ties and political dialogue among the member countries. It was set up primarily as an alternative bloc as a rival to the Western led order of the then Group of 8 (G8) and the established Western led institutions of IMF and the World Bank, in providing a new movement led by Russia and China. 
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The China-Russia Military-Economic Gambit

HONG KONG, SAR: In April, the European Union President Ursula von der Leyen in effect endorsed US trade policy with China, imposing tariffs and restrictions supposedly to make bilateral trade more balanced and ‘fair,’ as President Joe Biden put it.
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The China-Russia Military-Economic Gambit

HONG KONG, SAR: In April, the European Union President Ursula von der Leyen in effect endorsed US trade policy with China, imposing tariffs and restrictions supposedly to make bilateral trade more balanced and ‘fair,’ as President Joe Biden put it.
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Three Decades, Three Paradigm Shifts: How The Internet Transformed China

BEIJING, China: On April 20, 1994, China established its first full internet access, marking a profound transformative phase in various aspects of the country's economic and social spheres over the next three decades. I will not dwell on the significance of the internet to the Chinese economy. Instead, I aim to explore how the internet has influenced Chinese social paradigms.
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Malaysia’s Growing Role In Shifting Power Game In Chip Industry

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Semiconductors are critical components found in everything from smartphones to automobiles, have regained their critical importance in global geopolitical contests and are at the forefront of the US – China rivalry on technology and supremacy in the power equation.
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The Future Of South Korea’s Nuclear Energy Policy

WASHINGTON, US: The opposition Democratic Party’s landslide victory in South Korea’s April 10 parliamentary election appears likely to significantly influence the government’s energy policy, particularly regarding nuclear power generation. This could bring about substantial changes in the direction and momentum of future energy policies and intensified conflicts as the victors seek legislative and budgetary adjustments.
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Russia Steps Up ASEAN Engagement As Multipolar World Emerges

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: As the collective West steps up its confrontational foreign policy against its perceived rivals, Russia is moving forward with a constructive agenda through greater engagement with its partners in the Asia-Pacific, particularly with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), according to Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko.
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NATO Member Turkey Takes Role Of 'Active Neutrality' In Red Sea Crisis

WASHINGTON, US: Israel’s war on Gaza has significantly internationalized with its expansion into the Red Sea since November. This body of water, which is critical from the standpoint of global trade, is consequently becoming increasingly militarized.
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