Search result for: "Tesla"

Wall Street Sell-Off Exposes Financial Parasitism

The gyrations on Wall Street and global markets underscore the extreme fragility of the world financial system due to speculation and financial parasitism, which have been sustained by the pumping of cheap money from the US Federal Reserve and other central banks
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Will China Soon Control Both Elon Musk And SpaceX?

NEW YORK, US: At the end of April, Elon Musk at the last moment cancelled a trip to India, instead showed up in Beijing, and snagged a deal to rescue Tesla. The results were immediate: The shares of the electric-vehicle maker, which had been out-of-favor on Wall Street, soared on the news.
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Time To Pull The Plug On Forced Electric Vehicles

NEW YORK, US: The recent headlines regarding the forced transition from gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles to electrical vehicles (EVs) are screaming "Slow down!" even as federal and state governments are barreling along trying to regulate and mandate them.
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Foreign Firms Refute ‘Investor Flight’ Hype; Temporary Disruptions Do Not Represent Long-Term Outlook

BEIJING, China--Stringent anti-epidemic measures adopted in some key Chinese cities including Shanghai and Beijing, in hopes of curbing the rapid spread Omicron variant and bringing back sound bounce after a temporary economic shock, may inevitably hurt some foreign firms' performance, yet some Western media outlets are exaggerating the situation, hyping the "investor flight" theory, warning that such measures will result in a large-scale retreat of foreign firms and undermine China's attractiveness in the long run, which Chinese experts and industry players have dismissed.

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