Search result for: "Malaya"

Strategi Baharu Moscow Pikat Malaysia Dan Kuasa Serantau

Forum Ekonomi Timur ke-9 Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) di Vladivostok mencipta dinamik kuasa baharu serantau, dan mencerminkan niat strategik Rusia untuk memperkukuhkan lagi pengaruhnya dalam domain Global South dan kuasa-kuasa baharu dalam blok bukan Barat
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Putin’s New Regional Friend-shoring And Courting Of Malaysia

The 9th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok creates new power dynamics and reflects the strategic intent by Russia to further bolster its weight and extended influence in the Global South and emerging powers in the non Western bloc
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Petronas' Blatant Disregard To Sarawak's Rights

PETRONAS' intention to resort to court in a bid to maintain control over the trading and extraction of gas and oil-related products in Sarawak’s territory represents a humiliating, cruel and unjust attempt to seize what is not theirs
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Wellington’s New Regional Friend-shoring

Malaysia - New Zealand ties are in a prime state for elevation, especially amidst the era of greater geopolitical uncertainties and challenges and potential conflicts in the region
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Vientiane's Strategic Returns For Hanoi

Vietnam’s President To Lam made a first trip abroad since taking office with a visit to Laos in July last month, in enhancing a 62-year relationship between the two neighbours
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Moscow's New Arctic And Indo-Pacific Push

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Malaysia on 27 July marks an extension of the larger objective and plans for the region for Moscow.
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NATO Beralih Fokus Kepada Beijing Dan Indo-Pasifik

Sambutan ulang tahun ke-75 Pertubuhan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara (NATO) pada awal bulan Julai telah mencetuskan perdebatan baharu mengenai kepentingan dan skop masa depan NATO
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A Month Of New Power Flexing

Regional moves to expand power influence and friendshoring efforts have been intensifying
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BRICS: Kuasa Baharu Atau Potensi Merudum?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: BRICS ialah organisasi antara kerajaan (intergovernmental organisation) yang ditubuhkan pada 2006 yang terdiri daripada Brazil, Rusia, India, China dan Afrika Selatan, yang pada asalnya dijadualkan untuk memupuk hubungan ekonomi dan dialog politik yang lebih mendalam di kalangan negara anggota.
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Malaysia's Bid For BRICS Membership Signals Major Policy Failure For US

KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia: Recent disturbing developments are putting the Malaysia-US relationship in the harshest possible light, undermining security and diplomatic efforts in keeping the South China Sea (SCS) an area of free navigation while solidifying China's control in what was formerly a key US ally in the region.
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Is BRICS Resilient And Powerful Enough?

BRICS is an intergovernmental organization established in 2006 comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, originally slated to foster deeper economic ties and political dialogue among the member countries. It was set up primarily as an alternative bloc as a rival to the Western led order of the then Group of 8 (G8) and the established Western led institutions of IMF and the World Bank, in providing a new movement led by Russia and China. 
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Pakatan Strategik Baharu the SQUAD Ubah Rubrik Kuasa Serantau

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Setiausaha Pertahanan AS Lloyd Austin bertemu pada hari Khamis lalu dengan rakan sejawatannya dari Australia, Jepun dan Filipina di Hawaii untuk mengeratkan hubungan dan meningkatkan kerjasama dan operasi ketenteraan, yang dinamakan sebagai pakatan baharu yang dikenali sebagai "The Squad."
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