Search result for: "Kursk"

Trump Has A Mandate To End Ukraine War

The enduring truism of electoral politics, unflinchingly even if uncritically repeated, that Americans don't vote on foreign policy, was repudiated this election cycle
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Reflections On The Great Patriotic War: A Celebration With Tears In Eyes

MOSCOW, Russia: 1941-1945... This date every time causes the bitterness of loss, tears on the face of everyone who knows what it means. After all, nothing can be worse than war in the whole wide world... War... it took thousands of lives of innocent people, soldiers who fought for freedom, for a peaceful sky above our heads, for happiness and, in the end, for our lives... Brave, bold, strong... You can still list their human qualities for a very long time, but most importantly, they did not break under the onslaught of the Nazis, courageously saved the lives of many people and were devoted to their homeland because they loved it... The Russian writer Ivan Turgenev in his novel On the Eve wrote: “When one of us dies for the country, then one can say he loved it”. 
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