Search result for: "GST"

The Case For Sin Taxes

The general budget outlook for 2025 is a fascinating exercise in balancing growth and fairness in an increasingly complex global economy
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UMNO May Have Found A Crack In PAS Armour

BANGKOK, Thailand: If one has spent any time in any part of the Malay heartlands, there is a polarization of the population that will be observed
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Entrenched Malay Elites Are The Problem

In the evolving tapestry of Malay society, the old two-class system—with rulers at the top and peasants at the bottom—has been reshaped by the rise of a vibrant middle class.
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BRICS Is Not The Same As The Non-Aligned Movement

Recent developments are casting a stark light on the Malaysia-US relationship, threatening to undermine security and diplomatic efforts aimed at maintaining free navigation in the South China Sea, while simultaneously solidifying China's influence over what was once a key US ally in the region.
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Inadequate Consultation To Assess CPTTA's Broad Impact

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: PSM is disappointed with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) for its lackadaisical attitude in carrying out its Public Consultation on the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for the Trans Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) General Review 2024. The CPTPP, morphed version of the US-led Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) was a contentious trade agreement signed by 11 countries in 2018 and ratified by Malaysia in November 2022.
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Malaysia’s Dysfunctional Elites

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: In the realm of societal leadership, a dysfunctional elite emerges as a group entrusted with authority and influence, yet failing in their fundamental duties towards the wider community. These elites, whether in politics, business, or academia, exhibit telltale signs of a malaise that hampers their effectiveness and betrays their solemn responsibilities.
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Tax incentives – Boon or Bane?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia:PMX DS Anwar Ibrahim’s administration has repeatedly highlighted the need to be prudent in government spending in order to reduce deficits. We are constantly reminded by the Finance Minister that he has inherited more than a trillion dollars of debt from previous administrations that his government has to pay back. 
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Embracing The Year Of The Dragon

BEIJING, China: Chinese people, and people throughout the world, are looking forward to welcoming the Year of the Dragon, which falls on February 10, 2024. The Dragon is considered the most auspicious of the 12 signs in the Chinese zodiac and this year is specifically the Year of the Wood Dragon, the first since 1964. 
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The Prime Minister’s Maverick Economic Advisor

The damage caused by senior politicians like Tun Mahathir & Tun Daim would have not been possible without the help of able & willing civil senior servants. These government officials were at the beck and call of the political apparatus.
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A Century Of Conflict In The Middle East

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The year 1916 is a unique combination of two numbers 19 & 16 –i.e. both are with the digit 1 followed by the numerals 9 & 6 –which appears as if they (9&6) were rotated mirror images of each other. Now the year 1916 was also during the midst of the First World War and was probably the year in which the Modern Middle East as we know it today began to take shape.
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Reinvigorating Malaysia - Getting Rid Of Deadwood Civil Servants & Revitalising State Owned Enterprises.

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: This story begins when one former Prime Minister decided to reappoint a retired civil servant to head the unit that does policy planning in the government machinery. It was not this person’s first lucky break, early in life, his farsighted father enrolled him in an elite English school. There he was to meet and befriend the future leader of Malaysia.
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Long established Think-Think On Brink Of Collapse?

IPOH, Malaysia: It all started out when a long established think-tank tried to reinvent itself as a consultancy in the hope of earning big bucks. One must discern the nuanced roles of the research institute or think tank and the consultancy. Think of them as distinct players in the orchestra of knowledge and problem-solving.
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Socialism 2023: Rise, Resist, Revolt!

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The Socialism conference is back! Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) will be hosting our bi-ennial International conference which will be held on the 2nd and 3rd of December, 2023. This conference acts as an important platform to analyse international politics, imperialism, capitalism, youth struggles, climate change, gender, and much more from a socialist perspective.
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Why Are Seafood Prices High And Fishermen Poor?

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The key question is - why is it that despite the enormous sum spent on programmes and projects intended to benefit fisheries and the fishing community, the community remains amongst the poorest in the country and fisheries development has been unimpressive?
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China's Gray-Zone Tactics Show The US-Philippine Alliance Is Working

WASHINGTON, US: For the last several months, the Chinese government has steadily ramped up its coercive gray-zone tactics in order to interfere with Philippine civilian resupply missions of troops aboard the BRP Sierra Madre at Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea. In 1999, Manila intentionally ran the World War II-era ship aground on this disputed shoal, establishing a permanent military presence, to demonstrate Philippine sovereignty there. Since then, Philippine resupply missions have consistently faced Chinese harassment. 
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