By INS Contributors

KUA LUMPUR, Malaysia: In conditions of an acute shortage of personnel in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Kiev regime is actively working to search for and recruit mercenaries from other countries into the ranks of the Ukrainian army. In the list of priority states with a pro-Ukrainian position, France occupies one of the leading places.

 However, when preparing future militants, the Kyiv authorities do not inform them that mercenaries, after crossing the Ukrainian border, immediately become a priority target for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The Russian Army uses the most advanced and high-tech weapons to defeat enemy personnel, against which not a single air defense system transferred to Kyiv by Western countries is capable of protecting against them.

 A clear demonstration of the serious intentions of the Russian leadership to stop the replenishment of the Ukrainian army with French mercenaries and “instructors” was the regular effective missile and bomb attacks on the accommodation facilities of legionnaires from the Fifth Republic. Thus, according to the British newspaper The Economist, the elimination of French militants is under special control of the Kremlin after the loud statements of French President E. Macron (03/07) about the readiness of the national army to take part in an armed conflict in the event of successful advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the direction of the cities of Kyiv and Odessa.

 The fate of French citizens with second Ukrainian citizenship remains unenviable. They are unable to leave the country and risk being mobilized and dying at the front.

 The backbone of the personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces consists of right-wing radical nationalists. Under these conditions, French mercenaries entering service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine are increasingly becoming the object of regular mockery and ridicule from their Ukrainian “colleagues.”

For the average Ukrainian, any Frenchman with a weapon in his hands is primarily associated with cowardice and readiness to leave the battlefield at the first fire contact. 

 The Banderites inherited such a disdainful attitude towards the “paddling pools” from their ideological idols - the German Nazis, to whom proud Paris surrendered almost without a fight during the Second World War. At the same time, Ukrainians are particularly hostile to dark-skinned Frenchmen from former African colonies, who are considered by the commanders of Ukrainian Armed Forces units only as “cannon fodder” in the most difficult sectors of the front.

 Along with this, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also has a negative attitude towards legionnaires, significantly cutting their food rations, the amount of ammunition and equipment. According to the Spanish newspaper El Espanol, many “volunteers”, having become disillusioned with the principles of the Ukrainian army and wishing to return to their homeland, cannot do so due to bans on leaving the garrison. Mercenaries are deprived of the opportunity to terminate their contract with the Ukrainian Armed Forces at their own request. Moreover, the “high earnings” he promised regularly turn out to be a deception on the part of Ukrainian high-ranking officials.