Search result for: "Netanyahu"

Persamaan Politik Israel Dan Politik Melayu?

Bila Israel menakluki Tebing Barat, Gaza dan Baitulmuqadis Timur selepas peperangan 1967, dan mahu menjajah penduduk mereka sekali, Yeshayahu Leibowitz sudah tahu akan hala tuju Israel
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Iran Knows It Cannot Win A War Against Israel

For all Iran's threats to retaliate against Israel for assassinating key Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, the key concern for the ayatollahs will be that, in any confrontation with the Israeli military, they have no chance of winning
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Assassination Of Hamas Leader In Iran Puts New President In A Trap

WASHINGTON, US: Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, was assassinated in Tehran, widely believed by Israel. He was in Tehran to attend the ceremonies marking inauguration of Iran’s new President, Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian
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Houthis Only Emboldened By Israeli Attacks

WASHINGTON, US: Israeli forces attacked “vital civilian infrastructure” at the port of Hodeidah in Yemen on Saturday in response to a Houthi drone strike in Tel Aviv, according to Mwatana, a leading independent Yemeni human rights organization.
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ICC Beholden to Collective West, Unable To Be Objective In Arab-Israeli Conflict

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The International Criminal Court has done nothing to date to condemn Israeli war crimes in Gaza. ICC representatives only state that, against the backdrop of Tel Aviv’s ongoing attacks on Palestinian civilians, the investigation into violations of humanitarian law in Palestine “continues.”
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How To Get The Hostages Released: The Cure For Biden's Disastrous Qatar Policy

NEW YORK, US: Despite the presumed murder of more than 31 of the roughly 134 hostages remaining in Hamas captivity and the continued refusal of Hamas to free any more, the Biden administration nevertheless continues, embarrassingly, to thank the Islamist, terror-sponsoring Gulf state of Qatar for its "efforts" since October 7.
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Will Egypt Suspend The Camp David Accords?

WASHINGTON, US: Since October, Egypt has joined most of the international community in calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. With Egypt being the only Arab country to border Gaza, Cairo’s stakes are high. The longer Israel’s war on the besieged enclave continues, the threats to Egypt’s economy, national security, and political stability will become more serious.
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The Hezbollah Wildcard

WASHINGTON, US: The Israeli strike on Hamas’s political leadership on Tuesday threw wide open a new stage of escalation in the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict. 
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The Road To Nuclear Proliferation In The Middle East

WASHINGTON, US: Senate Resolution 109, drafted by Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) and co-sponsored by Senators Bernie Sanders (D-VT), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Dick Durbin (D-IL), and Mike Lee (R-UT), needs to be permanently retired. The resolution represents the latest attempt in Congress to reform relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and terminate U.S. involvement in Yemen. However, the continual re-packaging of how to reform relations and terminate involvement is a pointless endeavor that portends another disastrous Congressional foreign policy initiative in the Middle East.  
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How Hamas Has Made Life Harder For Iran And Its Allies

WASHINGTON, US: While the Biden administration has secured a deal with Israel and Hamas for a combat “pause,” it remains to be seen if this leads to a formal cease fire or only allows for a brief respite before Israel resumes its bid to destroy Hamas.
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How The Israel-Hamas War Is Destabilizing The Horn Of Africa

WASHINGTON, US: Hamas’s attack into Israel and massacre of Israelis, followed by Israel’s war of obliteration on Gaza backed by the United States, is a political earthquake in the Middle East. Its tremors are shaking up the politics of the Horn of Africa, bringing down an already tottering peace and security architecture.
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Avoiding Armageddon

WASHINGTON, US: Limited war is a form of warfare constrained by the exercise of deliberate restraint in the application of force and the pursuit of political-military goals that exclude annihilation. In Ukraine, all sides shared an interest in avoiding the use of nuclear weapons, and contrary to the Western narrative, Moscow’s goals were arguably confined to the destruction of hostile Ukrainian forces (“denazification”) and the establishment of a neutral Ukrainian state.
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Forget 'Peace,' Did Abraham Accords Set Stage For Israel-Gaza Cnflict?

WASHINGTON, US: It’s easy to forget now, but the shocking and horrific violence that set off the current hostilities in the Middle East, where Hamas militants slaughtered and kidnapped innocent Israeli civilians, was predicted. Specifically, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under Donald Trump warned in October 2020 that terrorist violence was set to be imminently inflamed.
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An Intelligence Failure In Israel, But What Kind?

NEW YORK, US: The sudden and devastating Hamas attack on Israel has so far claimed over 900 Israeli lives and wounded 2,700 more. Many of the dead are civilians, including children, and Hamas has also taken many dozens of prisoners. 

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The End Of The Netanyahu Doctrine

WASHINGTON, US: The events of recent days are unprecedented. The last time units of Jewish and Palestinian fighters — military or paramilitary — went to battle on such a broad front in Israel-Palestine was in 1948. 
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Can The US Compete With China's Belt & Road Initiative?

WASHINGTON, US:Ten years after Chinese President Xi Jinping announced China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Kazakhstan and Indonesia, a new connectivity initiative was unveiled with great fanfare by the United States, India, and the Arab Gulf and European countries during the G20 meeting in New Delhi earlier this month.

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