Search result for: "FELDA"

Malaysia’s Dysfunctional Elites

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: In the realm of societal leadership, a dysfunctional elite emerges as a group entrusted with authority and influence, yet failing in their fundamental duties towards the wider community. These elites, whether in politics, business, or academia, exhibit telltale signs of a malaise that hampers their effectiveness and betrays their solemn responsibilities.
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The Kratom (Ketum) Industry In Southern Thailand

BANGKOK, Thailand:Over the last 12 months, stalls have been opening up across southern Thailand to sell ketum leaves, syrups, and mixed drinks. In Thailand ketum is called kratom.

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LCS, Even Our Nation’s Security Is Pawned!

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Malaysians will only be surprised if there is a lull in breaking news about scams or scandals. I am not talking about the macau, nigerian or love scams, but by those in authority governing the country. 
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Malaysia Labelled As “Partly Free” In 2022 Annual Freedom House Index

BANGKOK, Thailand--The annual Washington based Freedom House survey and country ranking of countries civil liberties and political rights labelled Malaysia as “partly free” again this year. The ranking is based upon a number of numerical ratings and descriptive texts for each country. The 2022 edition covers developments in 195 countries and 15 territories from January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021.
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Is There A Malaysian Deep State?

BANGKOK, Thailand--There has been much discussion about the existence of a deep state within Malaysia. This essay looks at its components. The deep state is not a unified and coordinated mechanism. It is heterogeneous and diverse. It is probably only bound together by a common narrative, sometimes interpreted differently. At different points of time, different aspects of this deep state exercise more power over the others. Other times, there is even conflict between the various elements.

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Malaysia’s Looming Food Crisis

BANGKOK, Thailand--The shortage of McDonald’s French fries earlier this month in Malaysia is symbolic of a much bigger national problem. Many food items are in short supply and subject to rapidly rising prices. 

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Inflation In Malaysia Is Increasing The Class Divide

BANGKOK, Thailand--Over the last six months the prices of everyday staples have been on the rise. Now some markets are beginning to see chronic shortages of items like chicken. 

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Malaysia’s 5G Roll-Out Monopoly Faces Headwinds

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--A few days ago Reuters reported, citing industry sources, there are no takers for the government’s 5G network, as major telecommunication providers (telcos) balk over pricing and transparency, even as the 5G roll-out is scheduled for Dec. 2021.

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MACC: Accused had returned money before investigation, hence acquittal

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) explained that former Felda board of directors’ member Noor Ehsanuddin Mohd Harun Narrashid had returned the money before its investigations began over 29 alleged bribery charges and was acquitted because of that.

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MACC Must Remedy Investigative failings in latest FELDA Case

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Malaysian prosecutors on Wednesday dropped 29 corruption charges against a former Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) board of directors’ member, the first high-profile graft case to be dismissed since the new government took over in August.

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