Search result for: "APEC"
National Day Shared With International Guests: Chilean Embassy Marks National Day
A Long Road To A Bright Future: Vietnam marks 79th anniversary Of The August Revolution
Women In The Workforce
Collapse Of US Regional Bank Raises Red Flag For Big Shocks
Choosing The West Or The East?
Indonesia Walks An APEC Tightrope
G20 Summit Sets Up Western Clash With A Rising Global South
WASHINGTON, US:The leaders of the world’s largest economies will gather this weekend in New Delhi, India, for the G20 summit. The meeting comes at a complex time for the grouping, which is one of the rare venues where Russian, Chinese, American and European leaders have to rub shoulders each year.
APEC Pledges Greater Support for Small Businesses
SINGAPORE CITY, Singapore:APEC ministers renewed their commitments in promoting, prioritizing and empowering micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to thrive especially in fast-growing technology sectors as well as the blue and green sectors that are driving global growth.
APEC Is On Track To Meet Aspirational Energy Goals
TOKYO, Japan--APEC is on track to meet its aspirational goals to reduce energy intensity by 45 percent by 2035, relative to 2005 levels, and to double the share of modern renewables by 2030, relative to 2010 levels, according to a newly launched energy report.
Ensuring Food Security Is Top Priority For APEC Ministers
BANGKOK, Thailand--Agriculture and food ministers from APEC member economies are expediting actions on a regional and domestic level to combat food insecurity by encouraging digitalization and innovation, improving productivity, promoting diversity, prioritizing sustainability and enhancing public-private partnerships.
APEC Ministers: Regenerate Tourism Markets
BANGKOK, Thailand--Tourism Ministers from APEC member economies are coordinating their policies to revive the tourism and travel industry in the region so that it is safe, sustainable, responsible and more inclusive.
Time To Expand The APEC List Of Environmental Goods
SINGAPORE CITY, Singapore--In 2012, APEC Leaders endorsed a groundbreaking initiative for green trade policy cooperation — a commitment to reduce applied tariff rates on a list of 54 environmental goods to 5 percent or less by the end of 2015.
APEC Propels Regional Integration, Connectivity And Sustainability
BANGKOK, Thailand--Senior officials from 21 member economies pushed forward APEC’s work to reinvigorate regional economic integration, reconnect the region and reassure sustainability for future growth as guided by the APEC 2022 theme of “Open. Connect. Balance.”
China's Xi warns against return to Cold War tensions at APEC meeting
WELLINGTON, New Zealand Nov 11 (Reuters) - The Asia-Pacific region must not return to the tensions of the Cold War era, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday, ahead of a virtual meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden expected as soon as next week.
APEC Looks to Partnerships to Support Business Recovery
WELLINGTON, New Zealand--Finance ministers and business leaders from the 21 APEC member economies convened virtually on Friday to discuss the ongoing responses for businesses, especially micro, small and medium enterprises, during the pandemic, as well as the policies economies can focus on to help businesses recover.
Trade is a Weapon Against the Pandemic
The APEC region produces most of the world’s COVID-19 vaccines. It must also lead the way in their distribution and administration.