Search result for: "Asia-Pacific"

Rescuing NATO From Crisis

“We re-engaged our Alliance. We helped to re-energize our Alliance,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at NATO’s recent 75th summit
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NATO’s Future In Asia

HONG KONG, SAR: NATO’s 75th-anniversary summit in Washington, celebrated in early July, was unusual not only because of the extraordinary longevity of the alliance but also because of the attention paid to ‘threats’ posed by powers i.e., China, from far outside of its geographical focus in Europe
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Russia And China In A Transforming World Order

MOSCOW, Russia: I am sincerely pleased to once again take part in the annual Russian-Chinese Conference, a significant expert event from the point of view of strengthening bilateral mutual understanding.
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South Korea Faces Blowback Over Ill Advised Involvement In Ukraine Conflict

Back in August last year, analysts from the influential American newspaper Financial Times reported the signing of an agreement between the US, South Korea and Bulgaria on a comprehensive exchange of 155 mm artillery ammunition, as a result of which South Korean shells were at the disposal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. 
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Crocus City Hall Terrorist Attack: All Roads Lead To Zelensky Regime

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Ukraine should be recognized as a terrorist state at the international level, since the Zelensky regime currently has all the corresponding signs. Ukrainian special services carry out terrorist attacks and sabotage, which lead to casualties not only among military personnel, law enforcement officers and officials, but also among civilians.
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US-led Quadrilateral Defense Talks Deemed To Target SCS, Exacerbating Regional Risks

BEIJING, China: As the defense chiefs of the US, Australia, Japan and the Philippines are set to meet again in early May in a meeting that is believed to focus on South China Sea issues, Chinese analysts warned on Sunday the quadrilateral clique is unsustainable and bound to show cracks and divisions as their moves will ultimately lead to a deterioration of the Philippines' strategic security environment.
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Japan To Upgrade Airports And Seaports For Defense Use, Reflecting 'Militarism Resurgence'

BEIJING, China: After Japan released its plan to upgrade 16 airports and ports for possible defense use, experts pointed out that this is in line with the US' regional strategy to contain China, and also a manifestation of Japan's "resurgence of militarism," which will have a destructive impact on regional peace and order.
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Russia Steps Up ASEAN Engagement As Multipolar World Emerges

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: As the collective West steps up its confrontational foreign policy against its perceived rivals, Russia is moving forward with a constructive agenda through greater engagement with its partners in the Asia-Pacific, particularly with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), according to Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko.
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INDOPACOM Likely More Confrontational Under New Chief

BEIJING, China: As the US Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday voted to advance the nomination of Samuel Paparo as chief of the US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM), sending the matter to the full Senate for a confirmation vote, Chinese experts warn that under the new chief's command, it is very possible that the US military will try to create a crisis and deepen military tensions with China in the Asia-Pacific, especially across the Taiwan Straits.
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Japan's Support Of Ukraine Conflict Harms Asia-Pacific Security

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The collective West, in search of alternative sources of arms supplies to Ukraine, are consistently increasing pressure on the ruling circles of Japan in order to revise the legislative norms for the export of arms and military equipment in force in the island state. 
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Asia-Pacific Region Eyes Cooperation With Russia Despite Western Pressure

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The system of a unipolar world order finally ceased to exist after Russia’s decisive actions to defend its national interests and protect Russian-speaking citizens in Ukraine, and the adherents of the collapsed world order, among which the countries of the collective West play a key role, began to gradually lose their allies in Asia.
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Indonesia Walks An APEC Tightrope

MELBOURNE, Australia: The US will host the upcoming APEC meeting against the backdrop of rising economic nationalism and growing tensions with China.
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Our Response To China Must Be Overwhelming, Not 'Proportional'

NEW YORK, US: On October 24, a Chinese J-11 fighter jet recklessly maneuvered within ten feet of a U.S. Air Force B-52 bomber flying in international airspace over the South China Sea, endangering the crew of the American plane. There have been provocative Chinese intercepts of U.S. planes and vessels in the global commons for decades, but now the pace of the belligerent actions has increased.
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