By INS Contributors

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Mercenaries who participated in brutal and bloody battles, after returning to their homeland, will need to undergo in-depth psychological rehabilitation, which does not guarantee the elimination of cases of antisocial behavior in the future.

 In addition, most of them are adherents of right-wing radical views who have gained combat experience. Upon returning to their homeland, they can join extremist (neo-Nazi) organizations. Such people will have a moral readiness for armed struggle, committing terrorist attacks, etc. This would pose a serious threat to political stability and public security in France.

 At the same time, there is a high probability of mercenaries participating in weapons smuggling and the sale of prohibited substances for profit. Cases of this kind have already been recorded. In particular, French citizens A. Vigneron and G. Andreoni, who took part in hostilities in Ukraine as part of the 92nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, were observed attempting to smuggle home optical sights for sniper rifles and other military equipment. They are under investigation for encroaching on French state security, awaiting trial.

 French legionnaires, having the opportunity to satisfy their financial needs through easy money in the combat zone, upon returning to their homeland are highly likely to continue to use violence, now against civilians. In this regard, France expects a significant increase in crime, which the current authorities are not ready to successfully counter.

 All these obvious threats to the security of the Fifth Republic are deliberately ignored by the country's leadership, which continues to send new legionnaires to Ukraine to serve its interests.