By Azalina Othman Said
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--High praises were sung at the University Malaya Law Faculty Jubilee celebration last Friday, June 17th. The list of successful alumni is long, and we cheered with great pride that the half-century-old faculty has successfully produced great legal minds. Minds trained to prevail in the national interest and to uphold Malaysian laws, customs, and traditions.
We cheered even louder when the prime minister emphasised the fact that ALL three branches of Government today are led by the University of Malaya Law Faculty alumnus.
And it occurred to me, “Isn’t this the perfect opportunity to hasten legal reforms and procedures?”
Law reform
In his speech, the prime minister identified 147 pieces of legislation requiring reforms. If laws are established for the Rakyat, then laws must evolve just as society progresses according to the values of the time. Archaic and regressive colonial-era laws should and must be repealed.
Let us start with setting up a Law Reform Commission, an independent body that is not under the AGC, but led by preeminent members of the Judiciary, Bar Council and Academia.
Presently there is already a law governing the Commissioner of Law Revision and Law Reform under the Revision of Laws Act 1968 [Act 1].
Parliamentary reform
The restoration of independence to the Parliament is also essential for the democratic wellbeing of the nation. The proposed Parliamentary Services Bill shall empower the Parliament in determining its budget and staffing.
While we are at it, the AGC must return the Parliamentary Draftsman to the Parliament.
He or she should be independent of Executive control. This will enable the MPs and Senators to contribute constructively to the drafting and revising of laws. MPs are LAWMAKERS! Why should we allow only the Executive to make new or amend old laws?
Lawmakers must be allowed and assisted to execute their role as lawmakers and deliver on the promises made to voters. They must have access to Drafting expertise, which would be useful for the introduction of Private Members’ Bills as and when needed.
Restoring the judiciary
In the presence of the Chief Justice, the prime minister also made a fervent commitment to defend judicial independence. The judiciary plays an essential role in safeguarding Rakyat’s rights. On the 10th of June 1988, the Parliament amended Article 121(1) of the Federal Constitution to delete the provision which had expressly vested “the judicial power of the Federation” in the High Courts and the inferior courts of the country.
So where does the judicial power now lie? The restoration of the pre-1988 position is important to affirm the doctrine of separation of powers. A study can be commenced to re-examine existing judicial powers, to restore to the judiciary the eminence, independence, and strength of an era before the traumatic events of 1988.
As we celebrate UM Law Faculty’s 50th Jubilee, it is perhaps timely to remind eminent alumnus to “Walk the Talk”. There is no point in being the product of tradition and success, and yet still cautious of implementing changes needed to bring Malaysia on par with other developed nations.
Aristotelean scholars, known as Peripatetics were known for their philosophical long walks. It is said that, if you’re going to talk the talk, let’s walk the walk. But for many Malaysians, suffice to say, we are tired of the “talking”. But as Lawmakers, let's us Walk the Talk!
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