Search result for: "sanctions"

After Assad, Are The Houthis Next?

With the fall of the Assad regime in Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon defeated and increasingly isolated, attention turns to the Houthis in Yemen
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Washington’s Unstoppable Superweapon

As geopolitical tensions escalate, the U.S. wields its most formidable weapon—not military might, but a sophisticated network of political and informational control that reshapes nations and regions to serve its interests
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The US Wants Credit For Assad's Ouster

Officials in the Biden administration are taking credit for creating conditions in Syria that enabled opposition forces to overthrow the Syrian government
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Mighty Dollar: Why The U.S. Dollar Reigns Supreme?

The U.S. dollar reigns supreme in the global economy, not just as the world’s most used currency for trade and commodities but also as the linchpin of financial systems and central bank reserves
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Where Expansion Could Hit A BRICS Wall

Turkey’s formal application last week for membership in BRICS marks a major step forward for a bloc that expanded its membership at the outset of the year to embrace Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates
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