Search result for: "Yuan"
Xi’s $51 Billion Pledge To Africa: A Landmark Deal Or A Debt Trap?
China's Car Dealers In Crisis
Where Expansion Could Hit A BRICS Wall
China Fines PwC Over Illegal Audit Services For Evergrande
Maklumbalas JKOASM Mengenai Kenyataan YB Dato Ramli Mohd Nor
No Coincidence That China Becomes Global Highland Of Industrial Innovation
BRICS And De-Dollarization, How Far Can It Go?
Cerita Sebenar Kampung Sri Makmur
Collapse Of US Regional Bank Raises Red Flag For Big Shocks
Overcapacity Story Fails To Cover Lack Of Competitiveness
After COVID-19, Scientists Fear China-Laos Railway Could Spark Another Global Health Crisis
LONDON, UK:Deep in the forests of Laos, China has built a state-of-the-art high-speed railway.
The U.S., China, And Great Power Competition In The Middle East
WASHINGTON, U.S.--It’s official. The Biden administration agrees with the Trump administration that almost everything that happens in world affairs can be explained by two interlocking zero-sum contests. One is geopolitical, as in ‘great power rivalry.’ The other is ideological, as in ‘democracy vs. authoritarianism.’
"Pejuang Demokrasi" Lantik Hakim Tanpa Mengikut Peruntukan Undang-Undang?
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Pendedahan laporan Pasukan Petugas Khas Siasatan Ke Atas Dakwaan-dakwaan Dalam Buku Tommy Thomas kepada awam hari ini akhirnya mengesahkan gambaran yang diberikan beberapa minggu lepas semasa kenyataan media dikeluarkan.
Isu TT: Memang Patut Disiasat Dan Kandungan Laporan Pasukan Khas Juga Wajar Didedahkan
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Pernah ulas mengenai buku Tommy Thomas tahun lepas dan beberapa tuduhan beliau yang jauh terpesong dari realiti.
A Trip That Pointed The Way Forward In Turbulent Times And Reinvigorated The Ancient Silk Road
BEIJING, China--From September 14 to 16, 2022, President Xi Jinping attended the 22nd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Samarkand and paid state visits to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan upon invitation. As the visit came to a conclusion, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi briefed the accompanying journalists on the visit.
Saya rasa ini sudah melampau
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Sepanjang perbicaraan Najib berkaitan dengan SRC International dan kita menyaksikan bagaimana kes ini telah “disegerakan” selama empat tahun kebelakangan (buat pengetahuan anda, perbicaraan kes liwat Fasa 2 Anwar mengambil masa selama enam setengah tahun), saya langsung tidak mengeluarkan sebarang komen atas dasar menghormati prinsip kebebasan dan integriti sistem kehakiman di Malaysia serta menyanjung pakar perundangan terkemuka dalam mentafsirkan dan menjalankan urusan penghakiman berlandaskan undang-undang bumi bertuah ini.
Scholars Outline Conditions To Be Met For China’s Peaceful Reunification
BEIJING, China--China's newly released white paper on the Taiwan question showcased the historical and inevitable trend of reunification, with 1.4 billion Chinese people's determination, sincerity in practicing "one country, two systems" with compatriots in Taiwan island, and China's increasing strength in preventing external interference, analysts said during a symposium held by one of China's highest-level think tanks on Friday.
BRICS Menyerang Dolar AS
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Tindakan Barat (collective West) tentang pembekukan cadangan devisa Rusia menjadi pancuran air dingin bagi kebanyakan negara di seluruh dunia.
Resolute Implementation Of Yangtze Fishing Ban Reflects CPC’s Determination To Restore Ecology
BEIJING, China--Who is the Community Party of China (CPC)? What is the CPC's role in the new era? The CPC has grown into one of the largest parties in the world in the process of leading the Chinese people to seek liberation and happiness, making China as strong and prosperous as it is today.