Search result for: "Venezuela"
BRICS Stockpiling Gold As G7 Weaponise Finance
Germany's Vassal Status On Full Display As Trades Economic Prosperity For US Missiles
Ex-Paraguay Prez Finds Himself On Wrong Side Of US Power
Migrant Madness Drives Political Upheaval
America’s Unrivalled Space Race Dominance
Colombian Government Will Resume Peace Talks With FARC Dissidents
Russian Foreign Minister Hits Out At West’s ‘Empire Of Lies’
NEW YORK, US: Russia’s Foreign Minister told the UN General Assembly on Saturday that a new world order is being born through a struggle between a neocolonial minority and a “global majority” seeking to end decades of Western domination.
Is ASEAN The Indo-Pacific's Ultimate Power Broker?
WASHINGTON, US: China and the United States, like sports captains picking sides, have been engaged in a considered effort to enlist partners.
The Belt And Road Turns Into A ‘Debt Trap’ For Beijing
SACRAMENTO, US:With dozens of the member countries of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) club pushing to renegotiate their loans from China, the BRI is rightly said to have become a project of debt collection rather than one characterized by Beijing’s ‘win-win’ formula of mutual development.
It’s Time To Take Cuba Off The Terror List
WASHINGTON, U.S.-“What has happened with Cuba is an injustice,” declared Colombia’s newly elected president Gustavo Petro when asked about Cuba’s designation as a sponsor of international terrorism during a
Iran: Protests And Paralysis
The first is that even if the uprising hits an interlude to recuperate, as is often the case with such movements, it is unlikely to simply fade away. It has mobilized energies that cannot be tamed with time, and raised such hopes and expectations that even the most hard-boiled cynics in power won't be able to disregard.
America's 'Acute' Foreign Policy Disarray
NEW YORK, U.S.--The confusion and lack of clarity in the current administration's foreign policies are growing ever more dangerous for US national security.
Disaster Diplomacy: Why Biden Should Rush To Help Cuba After Hurricane Ian
WASHINGTON, U.S.--Before Hurricane Ian inflicted destruction on Florida’s west coast, it ravaged the western provinces of Cuba, knocking out power to the entire island and demolishing the heart of the tobacco industry, one of Cuba’s major exporters.
Sanctions Are Targeted Warfare, And They Do Kill
WASHINGTON, U.S.--The U.S. employs broad economic sanctions with increasing frequency despite their poor record of success and the growing body of evidence that they cause significant harm to the populations of the countries where they are imposed.
Lift Sanctions Against Russia Immediately!
WASHINGTON, U.S.--Only a fool can’t see it: the sanctions against Russia only harm Russia marginally, but they threaten to permanently destroy entire key areas of industry and agriculture in Germany and all of Europe.
We Should’ve Known Sanctions On Russia Wouldn’t Work As Intended
WASHINGTON, U.S.--Sanctions usually fail to achieve any stated policy goals, and they frequently backfire and encourage more of the behavior that they are meant to stop.
Blinken Signals Zero Change From Failed Trump Venezuela Policy
WASHINGTON, U.S.--The United States remains wedded to a failed Trump-era policy towards Venezuela, but it is no closer to achieving its regime change goals today than when it started more than three years ago.
The Biden Administration's Campaign To "Make Anti-American Dictatorships Great Again"
NEW YORK, U.S.--The West is in for yet another shock as the Biden administration seems to be turning to the Iranian regime -- and approached the illegitimate government of Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela -- to purchase their oil instead of increasing US domestic oil production.
Ukraine War Is Causing A Commodities ‘Super Cycle’ And Likely Global Food Crisis
WASHINGTON, U.S.--Energy prices are soaring to levels not seen in a decade. Media attention has rightly focused on the price that consumers are paying at the gas pump, but there has been less of a spotlight on the price of “soft” commodities such as wheat, corn, and sunflower oil, all of which hit record highs since the Russian invasion of Ukraine