Search result for: "US Federal Reserve"

Wall Street Sell-Off Exposes Financial Parasitism

The gyrations on Wall Street and global markets underscore the extreme fragility of the world financial system due to speculation and financial parasitism, which have been sustained by the pumping of cheap money from the US Federal Reserve and other central banks
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Collapse Of US Regional Bank Raises Red Flag For Big Shocks

BEIJING, China: One year after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and several other US lenders, another regional bank has crumbled, re-igniting concerns about the adverse impact of the US Federal Reserve's monetary tightening.
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Millions Driven Into Poverty By Pandemic, Soaring Prices And Recession

MICHIGAN, U.S.--The World Bank report on the growth of global poverty released earlier this week presents a graphic picture of the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hundreds of millions of people in the world’s poorer countries, now being exacerbated by rising inflation and the shift of the world economy into recession.

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Selama Berminggu-Minggu Berzikir Soal Subsidi

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Bila Kerajaan tunjukkan bahawa subsidi dan bantuan kewangan sebenarnya pada tahap paling tinggi dalam sejarah - tiba-tiba cakap "kenapa bergantung kepada subsidi?"

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