Search result for: "Third World"

A Single Hold-all Measure Like GDP Is A Camouflaging Device

NEW DELHI, India: There are well-known problems associated with the concept of gross domestic product (GDP) as well as with its measurement. The inclusion of the service sector within GDP is something that Adam Smith would have objected to on the conceptual grounds that those employed in this sector constituted “unproductive workers”. Certainly, in the former Soviet Union and East European socialist countries, it was not the GDP but the gross material product, excluding the service sector, that was considered the relevant measure.
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Socialist Equality Party Rallies In Berlin Against Ukraine War And Militarism

MICHIGAN, U.S.-On Saturday, the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (SGP, Socialist Equality Party) held a powerful anti-war rally at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, in which over 300 people participated. It was the SGP’s main rally in its election campaign for the Berlin state House of Representatives, which the party is conducting on the basis of a socialist program against war and social spending cuts.

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All Quiet On The Western Front: A Strong Anti-War Film, And At The Right Time

MICHIGAN, U.S.--German writer-director Edward Berger’s new film adaptation of the Erich Maria Remarque anti-war classic All Quiet on the Western Front (Im Westen nichts Neues, 1928) is an impressive depiction of the horror of the First World War. More than that, it depicts the ruthlessness with which an entire generation were sent to the slaughter.

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Lift Sanctions Against Russia Immediately!

WASHINGTON, U.S.--Only a fool can’t see it: the sanctions against Russia only harm Russia marginally, but they threaten to permanently destroy entire key areas of industry and agriculture in Germany and all of Europe. 

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8 langkah untuk Malaysia tangani krisis makanan

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Berikut ialah memorandum yang diserahkan kepada Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) dan Jawatankuasa Kabinet Mengenai Dasar Sekuriti Makanan Negara pada 5 April 2022, dengan saranan 8 langkah untuk menangani krisis makanan yang timbul kepada peperangan di Ukraine. 
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The future of Malaysia: Policies and politics

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia—It is indeed a pleasure and an honour to be invited to this conference and given the opportunity to share some thoughts on where I think Malaysia is heading and what are the policies that will help shape its future.
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China needs a voice that matches its national strength, international status: Xi

Chinese President Xi Jinping said China needs "to develop a voice in international discourse that matches China's comprehensive national strength and international status," as Chinese top leaders had a group study session on strengthening China's capacity for international communication on Monday, with experts saying China will not keep silent amid a stigmatization and propaganda warfare launched by the US and its allies, and China has the confidence to shape a more "reliable, admirable and respectable image."

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