Search result for: "Think Tanks"
The Rise And Fall Of MIER: From Respected Think Tank To The Reclusive Hermit Of Bukit Petaling, Lost In Esoteric Deviation And Mission Drift
Tapping Greater Potential In A Thriving ASEAN
MIER Is No More?
Asia-Pacific And World Order On The Cusp Of Change
Aging Nation Stuck In A Middle Income Trap?
Father of Think-Tanks & His Transformative Leadership
Entrenched Malay Elites Are The Problem
Iran Moves Into Somalia
Tanking Think Tank
ISW: Defeatist Propaganda Keeping ‘Us’ From A Ukraine Military Victory
Formidable First Year: Anwar’s Forte And Fault Lines
Malaysia Must Take Threat Of Malign Foreign Influence Seriously
How Much Integrity Exists Within The Malaysian Media?
BANGKOK, Thailand: The appointment of prominent media figure and journalist Wong Chun Wai as chairman of the government owned media organization Bernama, has come with some controversy. Wong was seen as a propagandist during his tenure at The Star.
Why Germany’s Pursuit Of Peace In Ukraine Is Paralyzed
WASHINGTON, U.S.--There are growing fears that the energy shortages and price rises resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, European Union sanctions against Russia, and Russian cuts in gas supplies could lead to something approaching the “de-industrialisation” of Europe, as factories with high and inflexible energy needs shut down or relocate to other parts of the world.
China’s influence operations puts Malaysia’s freedom of action at risk analyst warns
KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia--China’s efforts to strengthen its influence in Malaysia's media organisations, think tanks and universities as well as in the political sphere is putting the country’s ability to chart an independent course in its foreign and domestic affairs at risk, an analyst has warned.
Scholars Outline Conditions To Be Met For China’s Peaceful Reunification
BEIJING, China--China's newly released white paper on the Taiwan question showcased the historical and inevitable trend of reunification, with 1.4 billion Chinese people's determination, sincerity in practicing "one country, two systems" with compatriots in Taiwan island, and China's increasing strength in preventing external interference, analysts said during a symposium held by one of China's highest-level think tanks on Friday.
Congress Showers The Pentagon With Cash While Americans Pinch Pennies
WASHINGTON, U.S.--Gas prices are at an all-time high. Rent prices have set records for the last 13 months straight. Inflation is increasing so sharply that even the cost of basic utilities has risen by nearly 30 percent in the last 12 months. There are growing fears that the economy is poised to fall into recession.
Where Did the Policy Debate Go?
KUALA LUMUR, Malaysia--The Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) and the Center for Market Education (CME) express concerns over the limited debate surrounding issues of political economy and the long-term consequences of implemented policies.
Russia Invasion Is A Boon For The Post-GWOT War ,Machine
WASHINGTON, U.S.--In certain quarters in this country, Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine has generated enthusiasm for a new cold war. At the New York Times, Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin have been described as “children of the [old] Cold War” now involved in a “face off,” an “eyeball to eyeball” confrontation harkening back to John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev contesting Berlin and Cuba in “dramatic fashion” 60 years ago. (Never mind that the “drama” over Cuba nearly led to nuclear war and the possible end of most life on Earth.)