Search result for: "Red Sea"

After Assad, Are The Houthis Next?

With the fall of the Assad regime in Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon defeated and increasingly isolated, attention turns to the Houthis in Yemen
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How South China Sea Tensions Threaten Global Trade

The post-COVID era has been punishing for global trade. Lockdowns and factory closures sparked supply chain delays worldwide and helped fuel decades-high inflation
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Middle East: ‘One Rash Move Could Trigger Catastrophe’

NEW YORK, US: A recent surge in cross-border deadly attacks risks escalating violence across the Middle East and requires immediate de-escalation efforts, top UN officials warned the Security Council on Monday.
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Houthis Only Emboldened By Israeli Attacks

WASHINGTON, US: Israeli forces attacked “vital civilian infrastructure” at the port of Hodeidah in Yemen on Saturday in response to a Houthi drone strike in Tel Aviv, according to Mwatana, a leading independent Yemeni human rights organization.
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IMO Condemns “Illegal, Unjustifiable” Attacks On Ships In Red Sea

ATHENS, Greece: Member States of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) – the UN agency that regulates global shipping – have called for an immediate end to ongoing attacks on ships and seafarers transiting through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
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Blinken Appears Laser Focused On Saudi-Israel Deal, At All Costs

WASHINGTON, US: Amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, which in recent weeks spread to direct military exchanges with Iran, Biden administration officials remain convinced they can achieve a broader Middle East peace through an Israel-Saudi Arabia normalization deal which would entail a U.S. security guarantee for Saudi Arabia.
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Yemen Houthis Offered US Incentives To Stop Red Sea Attacks

ABU DHABI, UAE: Mediators have conveyed messages from the US to the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, offering “incentives” including lifting the blockade of Sanaa and Hodeidah and accelerating peace talks, in return for the group halting its attacks in the Red Sea, sources told The National.
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NATO Member Turkey Takes Role Of 'Active Neutrality' In Red Sea Crisis

WASHINGTON, US: Israel’s war on Gaza has significantly internationalized with its expansion into the Red Sea since November. This body of water, which is critical from the standpoint of global trade, is consequently becoming increasingly militarized.
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On Confronting The Iranian Regime

NEW YORK, US: The Biden administration's reluctance to robustly respond to the rogue Islamist regime of Iran apparently only reinforces the inclination of Iran's political and military leadership to inflict more harm.
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