Search result for: "International Criminal Court (ICC)"

A Better Chance Without France?

Over the past few months, the Levant sub-region in the Middle East has experienced geopolitical changes of historic proportions
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ICC Represents Collective West Interests, Not Global Majority

One of the biggest shortcomings of the International Criminal Court (ICC) as an international judicial body is the refusal of leading world powers, including permanent members of the UN Security Council – Russia, China and the US
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ICC Discredits Itself With Political Bias

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Currently, the international criminal justice system, of which the International Criminal Court (ICC) is an integral part, is actually an instrument of political games. The international legal basis for the ICC to exercise its powers remains legally controversial. In this regard, the Rome Statute, on which the ICC relies in its activities, is not recognized by Russia, China, India, Turkey and other authoritative states.
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Taliban’s Mistreatment Of Women Has Global Ramifications

WASHINGTON, US: The Taliban’s well-documented oppression is more than just a problem for the women and girls of Afghanistan. The country’s misrule is a signal to the world that gender-based discrimination can be ignored—even condoned. This perpetuates impunity and poses a grave risk of normalizing extremists. It’s time for those who built the international human rights system to step up and defend it.
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