Search result for: "GUR"

After Assad, Are The Houthis Next?

With the fall of the Assad regime in Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon defeated and increasingly isolated, attention turns to the Houthis in Yemen
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Are We Abandoning ASEAN?

The Foreign Ministry confirmed on Wednesday that Foreign Minister Sugiono would not attend the informal ASEAN foreign ministers' meeting in Bangkok on Friday
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Trump Has A Mandate To End Ukraine War

The enduring truism of electoral politics, unflinchingly even if uncritically repeated, that Americans don't vote on foreign policy, was repudiated this election cycle
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Understanding Climate Migration

Representatives from countries around the world are convened in Baku, Azerbaijan, through Friday (November 22) for the United Nations Climate Change Conference
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Era Baharu Gelombang Merah Di Bawah Trump

Donald Trump memenangi pilihanraya presiden dengan kemenangan suara rakyat Amerika Syarikat (AS) dalam mesej jelas bahawa rakyat AS menolak polisi dan rekod kepimpina Biden-Harris
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