Search result for: "First Island Chain"
China’s Fait Accompli In The South China Sea
A Confident Marcos Returns to the White House
The Messy Battlespace That Would Be A U.S. vs. China War
ASEAN’S China Dilemma
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The 43rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits in Jakarta are again a manifestation of distinct power plays, denting any aspired efficacy of the scramble to elevate conflict prevention mechanisms.
Beijing's Dangerous Flirtation With Hard Power Intimidation
US ‘Credibility’ Based On Defense Of Taiwan Is Folly
WASHINGTON, U.S.-In early December, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Ely Ratner testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that Taiwan is “a critical node within the first island chain (in the Western Pacific), anchoring a network of U.S. allies and partners … that is critical to the region’s security and critical to the defense of vital U.S. interests in the Indo-Pacific.”
US Global Posture Review Targets China, Exposes Weakness In 1st Island Chain
BEIJING, China--US President Joe Biden recently accepted recommendations from the Pentagon in a global posture review to prioritize the Indo-Pacific region, with a particular focus on China, through military infrastructure buildups in Guam, Australia and the Pacific Islands, US media reported on Tuesday.
China’s Silence On Nuclear Arms Buildup Fuels Speculation On Motives
CHICAGO, U.S.--The US Defense Department released a report this month that spotlights the Chinese military’s rapid nuclear modernization efforts. The report follows news earlier this year that China constructed potential intercontinental ballistic missile silos and tested an orbital hypersonic missile system.
US Army hunts for bases to deter China but logistics pose hurdle
NEW YORK -- The U.S. is reviewing its Indo-Pacific military footprint to prepare for great-power competition against China, with the Army cultivating and strengthening partnerships with key Southeast Asian players.