Search result for: "Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)"

PLA Navy Amphibious Assault Ship Holds Drills In South China Sea

BEIJING, China--The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy recently organised drills in the South China Sea for its first Type 075 amphibious assault ship, as it was announced that the vessel has reached comprehensive operation and management capability with its choppers, landing craft and armoured vehicles.

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US Global Posture Review Targets China, Exposes Weakness In 1st Island Chain

BEIJING, China--US President Joe Biden recently accepted recommendations from the Pentagon in a global posture review to prioritize the Indo-Pacific region, with a particular focus on China, through military infrastructure buildups in Guam, Australia and the Pacific Islands, US media reported on Tuesday.

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PLA warplanes rain down thousands of munitions in S. China Sea shooting exercise

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy announced on Monday that it recently conducted a live-fire exercise in the South China Sea, in which warplanes rained down thousands of munitions at maritime targets as the pilots enhanced their sea assault and precision strike capabilities.

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