Search result for: "Bank Negara"

A National Embarrassment!

The Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) is a national embarrassment
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Be Cautious When Interpreting Ringgit's Fluctuations

It is difficult to credibly relate short-term trends in financial markets to fundamentals. This is particularly the case with exchange rates, where short-term movements mostly reflect financial flows and changing sentiments
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Malaysia Must Prepare For An Economic Slowdown

BANGKOK, Thailand: With the latest World Bank’s forecast warning that most economies will grow much slower in 2024 and 2025, Malaysia must be very cautious as the local economy is directly exposed to global events.
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Malaysia’s Retirement Savings Crisis Exposes Deeper Problems

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The Asian financial crisis of 1997 revealed critical flaws in the country’s social safety net. But the lesson was seemingly forgotten until the recent Covid pandemic once again exposed the nation’s vulnerabilities.


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Is Malaysia Ready For A Global Recession?

BANGKOK, Thailand: With the latest World Bank’s forecast warning that most economies will grow much slower in 2024 and 2025, Malaysia must be very cautious as the local economy is directly exposed to global events.
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Saya rasa ini sudah melampau

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Sepanjang perbicaraan Najib berkaitan dengan SRC International dan kita menyaksikan bagaimana kes ini telah “disegerakan” selama empat tahun kebelakangan (buat pengetahuan anda, perbicaraan kes liwat Fasa 2 Anwar mengambil masa selama enam setengah tahun), saya langsung tidak mengeluarkan sebarang komen atas dasar menghormati prinsip kebebasan dan integriti sistem kehakiman di Malaysia serta menyanjung pakar perundangan terkemuka dalam mentafsirkan dan menjalankan urusan penghakiman berlandaskan undang-undang bumi bertuah ini.

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Puteri Barisan Nasional Bersedia Menghadapi PRU-15!

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengalu-alukan kehadiran rakan-rakan dari pelbagai sayap yang mewakili wanita muda komponen BN dan friends of BN yang datang dari jauh dan dekat.

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Inflation In Malaysia Is Increasing The Class Divide

BANGKOK, Thailand--Over the last six months the prices of everyday staples have been on the rise. Now some markets are beginning to see chronic shortages of items like chicken. 

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MEF’s Stand Against Minimum Wage Increases Is Nonsense

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--A recent statement by Datuk Dr Syed Hussain Syed Husman, President of the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) in Bernama on Feb. 6 is neither surprising nor does it make sense. This article is a rebuttal of his points.
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How Malaysia’s Robber Barons Operate With Impunity

BANGKOK, Thailand--The term robber baron was originally made aware to me by educator and writer Dr Azly Rahman. Robber baron is a derogative US term to describe how the powerful 19th Century American industrialists and financiers made fortunes by monopolizing industries through engaging in unethical business practices, exploiting workers, and paying little heed to the law. 

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