Search result for: "Austin"
Our Last Chance To Avoid War In The Middle East
A Month Of New Power Flexing
Pakatan Strategik Baharu the SQUAD Ubah Rubrik Kuasa Serantau
US-led Quadrilateral Defense Talks Deemed To Target SCS, Exacerbating Regional Risks
An Illegal War With Houthis Isn't Stopping The Red Sea Crisis
The Messy Battlespace That Would Be A U.S. vs. China War
US Lack Of Resolve Incentivizing China On Taiwan
China's Gray-Zone Tactics Show The US-Philippine Alliance Is Working
West Ignores National Interest of Asia-Pacific Allies
JAKARTA, Indonesia-Despite the extremely negative attitude of the Japanese population towards the American military contingent deployed on the territory of the island state, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin during a press conference announced the deployment of a new unit of the US Marine Corps in Okinawa Prefecture in the near future.
Are We At The Brink Of War In The Pacific?
WASHINGTON, U.S.-While the world has been distracted, even amused, by the diplomatic tussle around China’s recent high-altitude balloon flights across North America, there are signs that Beijing and Washington are preparing for something so much more serious: armed conflict over Taiwan.
Harris' Philippine Visit Aims At ‘Fanning Flames’
BEIJING, China--US Vice President Kamala Harris is visiting the Philippines, and one of the itineraries has been made an issue of by American public opinion. She plans to go to Palawan on Tuesday, an island province which is close to China's Nansha Islands and is called by the US media "the frontline of the Philippines' territorial dispute with Beijing over the South China Sea."
The Taiwan Conundrum And A Darker US Motivation To Fight
BEIJING, China--During his Shangri-La Dialogue meeting with China's Defense Minister Wei Fenghe, US Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Lloyd Austin characterized China's internal Taiwan policies and activities as provocative and destabilizing. He did so with full knowledge that a nuclear-armed China is poised to employ any necessary means to prevent the island from seceding from One China.
Ukraine Is Winning The Battle On Twitter, But In The Real World Kiev Is Losing Donbass
NAIROBI, Kenya--Western media coverage of the Ukraine conflict has been so hysterically one-sided, and divorced from reality, that it's probably only a matter of time before Iraq's erstwhile 'Comical Ali' is brought out of retirement to insist that there are no Russians advancing towards the Ukrainian army's front lines.
China's Strategic Dilemmas
SACRAMENTO, U.S.--The war in Ukraine has lasted a month. Russian President Vladimir Putin badly miscalculated and Xi Jinping followed him into a strategic dead-end with no easy exit.
US Is Reestablishing A New Inquisition Using Russia-Ukraine Crisis As Excuse
BEIJING, China--The US, leading several attendants, is launching a round of international mobilization to condemn Russia.
India Pursue Russian Arms Deal Despite The Threat Of US Sanctions
LONDON, UK--India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a $5.4 billion dollar missile defence system sale to India despite warnings from the United States of sanctions.
Pentagon Releases New Rules Aimed At Tackling Extremism In The Ranks
WASHINGTON, U.S.--The Pentagon on Monday released a new set of rules meant to curtail extremism in the ranks, updating previous guidance that was criticised as being unclear on what was acceptable behaviour and what wasn’t.
Pandemic Lockdowns Fueled Massive Rise In Gaming And Addiction
NEW YORK, U.S.--During the pandemic, nationwide stay-at-home orders handed gaming companies a golden opportunity.
China's Stepped-Up Operations Near Taiwan Look 'Like Rehearsals'
NEW YORK, U.S.--China's recent push to increase its military presence near Taiwan "looks a lot like rehearsals," U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Saturday.