Search result for: "New Economic Policy"

The Malay Gentry

The Indonesian independence struggle was deeply intertwined with the roles of the Javanese Gentry, known as the Prijaji
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Islamic Reformation Wave That Took Malaysia Off Track

The recitation of the Qunut Nazilah in the Dewan Rakyat by members of opposition parties PAS and Bersatu in July marked a serious and terrible deformation of the Malaysia we began with in 1963
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Politicians Come And Go, But The Elite Are Permanent In Malaysia

BANGKOK, Thailand: Governments do change in Malaysia. Each incoming administration will have its own narratives and specific agendas. However, policies will be generally very similar, and based upon the same principles as the previous government. In and around the executive and administrative government is a network of elite people, who collectively yield massive power. The actors can be seen in GLCs, corporations, royal households, civil servants, the judiciary, police, and within the executive itself. This massive power is however, hidden due to its fragmentation, and unseen influence its membership carries.
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When There Are Few Chinese And Indians Left In Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: A quasi-Malay ex-politician's recent rant questioning the loyalty of Indians because they are not “Malay enough” in his bigoted perspective got me thinking. Not about bigots who, like snakes, only know how to spew poison and wag their forked tongues; but rather, whether the Malays would really be better off if there were a lot fewer Indians and Chinese in Malaysia?
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Could Malaysia Field Multiracial Political Parties?

BANGKOK, Thailand--The train of events that put Malaysia’s most influential political figure behind bars for 12 years – although the disgraced former Prime Minister Najib Razak has been wriggling mightily at finding ways to get out – has raised profound questions about race-based politics, the political equation that has governed the country since its independence.

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PNB must justify miserable dividends from ASNB

KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia--Amanah Saham Nasional Bhd (ASNB), the wholly-owned unit trust company of Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB), has declared an income distribution of RM882.49mil for Amanah Saham Malaysia 2 - Wawasan (ASM 2 Wawasan) for the financial year ended Aug 31, 2022.


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The Brave New Woke World

BANGKOK, Thailand--Society has changed more over the last couple of years, than it has over the last fifty years. Similar events are occurring today, which are very similar to the seventies, but for different reasons. The Vietnam war was ideologically based, the libertarian and social justice movement believed in equality of opportunity for all, the nature of the oil crisis today is self-inflicted, and the world is seeing rapidly rising inflation due to the monetary and fiscal choices governments made over the last two years during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Is There A Malaysian Deep State?

BANGKOK, Thailand--There has been much discussion about the existence of a deep state within Malaysia. This essay looks at its components. The deep state is not a unified and coordinated mechanism. It is heterogeneous and diverse. It is probably only bound together by a common narrative, sometimes interpreted differently. At different points of time, different aspects of this deep state exercise more power over the others. Other times, there is even conflict between the various elements.

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The Lost Malaysian Dream: The Struggle To Revive Multi-Culturalism

BANGKOK, Thailand--The Tourism Malaysian highlights Malaysia’s ethnic diversity as a unique strength. The website proudly espouses Malaysia as the only “one place where all the colours, flavours and sights of Asia come together.”  

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Putin's Game Between Friend And Foe

NEW YORK, U.S.--In his lightning trip to Beijing on February 4, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a "Strategic Partnership" treaty with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. The event coincided with the 20th anniversary of another "Strategic Partnership" deal that he had signed in 2002, with then US President George W Bush.

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How Malaysia’s Robber Barons Operate With Impunity

BANGKOK, Thailand--The term robber baron was originally made aware to me by educator and writer Dr Azly Rahman. Robber baron is a derogative US term to describe how the powerful 19th Century American industrialists and financiers made fortunes by monopolizing industries through engaging in unethical business practices, exploiting workers, and paying little heed to the law. 

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How The Malay Elite Hijacked Malaysia

BANGKOK, Thailand--With the United Malays National Organisation, or UMNO back in political power with a firm and dominating position to the other Malay-centric political parties, kleptocratic practises are on the rise once again.  

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The Dark Forces Changing Malaysian Society

BANGKOK, Thailand--Malaysia was once a harmonious society, where the different ethnic groups coexisted with a sense of community, and each ethnic group once openly celebrated festivals together. All the ethnic groups were free to express their cultures, and practice their religions without interference. Malaysia had a strong and stable government with a working multi-racial coalition. All of the nation’s citizens were once proud to be Malaysian.

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The great political vacuum

JOHOR BAHRU, Malaysia--There is a myth circulating among the high circles of Kuala Lumpur and beyond, that no matter what, UMNO will win handsomely in the next general election.
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Jobs Should Be Priority In 12th Malaysia Plan

JOHOR BAHRU, Malaysia--As Ismail Sabri Yaakob was forming his cabinet in August, I suggested for the presentation of the 12th Malaysia Plan to be postponed to a slightly later date to accommodate views from all stakeholders, including the opposition.
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Bumiputera equity rule highlights catastrophe in public policy

BANGKOK, Thailand--A Federation of Malaysian Freight Forwarders (FMFF) letter to the minister of international trade and industry Azmin Ali has highlighted the 51% Bumiputera equity requirement in many types of businesses.
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A Better Malaysia Assembly, Not just a New PM Please

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia--In the next few days Malaysia will see the swearing in of its 9th Prime Minister and a few days or maybe weeks later a whole new cabinet of ministers will be sworn-in too. 
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